Conduit Whispers recipes?

Just wondering if these are completely random or if there’s a place you’d be more likely to find one [of these amulet recipes]. So far all I’ve found is Eldritch but holy smokes this boys are amazing. I need more :smiley:

They’re extremely rare, i mean almost as rare as Magelord rings. Party Crucible and multiple solo farm route runs didn’t yield me more than one

I think, I got all of these I have, from Fabius’ Nemesis Trove.

I second this, I’ve like 5 of the conduit blueprints and 4 of them came for varying nemesis troves. I’ve killed probably about 15 nemesis since AoM so I don’t know if I should consider myself lucky or if they’re just that common from troves.

Last time I did 15 fabius runs I ended up with 0 blueprints.

I only noticed now that these come with variable prefixes??? How come? Legendaries can have that too? Are there any other items where the recipe does not really show what you will get when crafting something?

There are others but they’re few and far between. Off the top of my head, there’s Badge of Mastery, Pestilence of Dreeg, Eye of Dominion. You can search grimtools item database for them like this if any others are added in the future.

Thanks! I just noticed this on the Eye of Dominion (I checked why oddly it has no Mythical version) and found the “check affixes” button. Interesting!