Survivor’s Perseverance +15% Aether Damage
+15% Chaos Damage
5 Less Damage from Aetherials
5 Less Damage from Aether Corruptions
5 Less Damage from Chthonics
Does this literally mean 5 less damage or 5%. As 5 damage is absolutely nothing it might as well be 0. Or does the 5 mean something else on some other scale
I believe its 5 less from the base of their damage, which can be significant. Suppose a particular enemy hits you for 2500 damage, but their base damage is actually only 350, meaning they have around 714% damage boosts. The 5 less means that the 350 base damage will be brought down to 345, making them hit you for 2464 damage after the % bonus calculation.
This is something I’m not entirely sure about, though, so will defer to someone else about the actual functionality of this sort of thing.