As the title says. The graphic effect when enemies get immobilized by Grasping Vines is too prominent, it clutters the screen, it’s bad looking, it doesn’t provide any useful information (the fact that enemies don’t move should be enough of a visual clue). But, most importantly, it’s really easy to confuse it with the one from reflective enemies! So, consider removing or reducing it. Examples below
Disagree with all sentences, I’m fine with grasping wines and how are they looking now
Grasping vines are fine for me too, i reiterate, since maybe I was not clear in the op, that I don’t like the spike aura (the one that looks like the one from reflective heroes) enemies get when get inmoblized due to entangling vines.
I could see the effect being lessened/made smaller but not outright removed.
I get it confused with the reflective aura too. Maybe the grasping vine effect could be more green?
Really great feedback very constructive and not subjective at all!
+1 It’s a lot to digest on top of one of the best devotion proccers in the game.
Maybe i forgot something but isn’t forum are place where we got a different opinion and not the only one that pleased a topic starter?
P.S. on programming the is a nice phrase “don’t fix that stuff that are not broken”, and author of a thread are offers to do exact this “fix that stuff that are not broken”
Agreed that it looks a little too close to the Reflect aura, so we’ll be changing its color.
That said, the debuff is attached to the entrapment effect, which is applied consistently whenever entrapment occurs, so we will not be disabling it for Grasping Vines.
Glad to hear. Though, if you guys find time to spare, It would be nice changing also its pattern. Those spikes that point from the enemy towards the player can be associate with an aggressive behavior, it fits for reflective heroes, but not for trapped enemies. For them a pattern similar to this chained circle would be more appropriate: