Controller support question

Hey all,
Pretty new to the game. Played it on XBox and decided to move over to PC to use Rainbow Filter. I prefer to relax with a controller for farming, but I am having some issues remapping to use slots 7-0. It says I remapped right bumper from mana pot to slot 8, but it does not seem to work. I also tried remapping left trigger since I don’t ever use the stand still, and it won’t let me. I did those mappings on Xbox just fine, so not sure what would be different with the PC? The actual inputs works for their defaults, just remapping is not. Any ideas? Appreciate any help.

sounds like either you didn’t enable non-steamgamepads

or you’re using steam controller profiles, which have been known to act wonky
suggest just ditching steam controller profiles for GD and use the ingame mapping

I really like configuring gamepad through Steam Controller options.
Much more configurable than in-game ones. Are you using that

(I recommend it if you’d like to configure some unusual things
like multiple skills with 1 button / movement skill on outer analog radius)

or the options mentioned by Gnomish_Inquisition?

Thanks all,
Looks like the steam controller profile was overwriting the in-game mappings, even if I checked on or off the enable non-steam gamepad box. I just remapped it in steam and that works.

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