Convenient way of farming elite, legendary and set items 61-93?

Hi! Is there a convenient way to farm elite, legendary and set items, which are in the range between level item 61 to 93?

[Only way how to do that, I can think of, is to farm the items when the character is around the levels, but it won’t stay that for much time, unfortunately…]

Items to the level 60 can be farmed on normal difficulty around Blood Grove (because of the level area 30 to 60), but later in the map and game, the range of monster levels goes from 30 to 120.

level 80-90 items you dont’ have to worry about these will still drop when you’re level 100
70-80 items might be a bit rougher tho, i’m not sure there is any area max scaling in that range anymore, as you say char might have to do it while in that range

alternatively, you use version 9.8 which doesn’t have altered area scaling - but you cant’ use any char save that has loadewd into 1.2+

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I thought the answer would be like that.

If only the level limits would be set up more “proportionally”. Not 30-60 and jump to 30-120… :frowning:

i was personally surprised too about the jump from blood grove to asterkarn was 60->100+ :sweat_smile:

It does make NO SENSE. From 60 to 120. There should be (restored) some other values… Like 60, 80, 100, 120, etc.

not sure an 80 zone would help, or rather i’m not sure monsters capped at 80 would drop lvl 70 items, so would probably want a 70 zone for that
80zone becomes pretty irrelevant since enemies are already capable of dropping the 82-84 items in max level zones (there are no items between lvl 76-81)
but yes, ideally asterkarn/fort ikon on normal would max scale to 70/follow the trend from act 1-3

If I could make a sheet of missing (and found) items… GDStash doesn’t have that function (yet), hovering mouse over the list doesn’t do anything…

It is like having a data, which can’t be processed.