Conversion: elemental to chaos + lightning to vitality

running a chaos word of pain build that uses both the chaos wop conduit as well as black flame helmet. when loading the char the helmet damage conversion (single element source) seems to be used first so the lightning damage on wop is converted to vitality. if i un- and reequip the helmet the conversion on the conduit (elemental source) takes priority and wop remains all chaos damage.

checking the other way around: as far as i can tell the conversions on my elemental forcewave char (single element + elemental target) seem to work consistently (using arcanor, cold forcewave conduit, justice gloves & wyrmbone helmet) no matter the order of equipping items.

i don’t mind in which direction tbh but i think this needs be consistent for conversions with elemental & single elements as source.

edit: changed title

Slot priority is real and is not a bug, if that’s what you’re talking about?


If it’s not what you’re referring to, I think you may need to be more clear/include a build link so it’s easier to know what’s going on.

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sorry, changed the title. gear slot seems to have nothing to do with it, just last equipped. here’s the build:

un- and reequip the helmet and you get full chaos word of pain.
un- and reequip the conduit and you get the lightning converted to vitality damage plus fire & cold to chaos.

so what i’m saying is “elemental to x” + “single element to y” should always lead to either or actually a split conversion.

In single one round of game, first equiped gear worked first when “elemental to x” + “single element to y”.

conduit first, and no “single element" remained for helmet.

But after you quit to main menu and restart another round of game, slot priority works as Ceno said.

Maybe you guys test with DPYes or sth whether or not it’s just a display issue?
Or does the in-game damage breakdown is always correct in this regard?

just tried dpyes (unequipped all proc gear & devotions), it’s not just the display.

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I just tested as well and when you equip the helmet after the Conduit you get a small amount of Vitality Damage and a majority of Chaos Damage.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Z keep this “bug” in the last patch or the one before when things were reworked so that you could get the visual (and not the conversion) you wanted for a skill? I’m a little tired at the moment so I could be mistaken. :thinking:

The order should only affect the visuals and not the damage conversion calculation


Slot priority matters only for global conversion, not for granted skill modifiers.

I mentioned same issue but for PRM some time ago, no answer.


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