I`m wondering if anyone has tried a physical AAR. Something maybe with Arcanist itemization like the following: Krieg AAR (arcanist only) with some other class (soldier, occult, necro, OK…)
Previous discussions have left me confused on whether the conversions will actually see armor reductions.
Anyone tried or can clarify?
Well I have this character https://www.grimtools.com/calc/DV97oDjN but as you can see it’s not at max lvl yet, but it seems to be working fine for now. I don’t have alot of experience with physical builds so I can’t say how armor will affect it.
I think there was a physical Obliteration build posted on the forum at some point, but it’s been quite a while back.
As for converted physical damage vs armor, I’ve been wondering about that myself. Hard to test in-game normally I would think. In the thread about the “armor bug” posted by a Chinese player (this was quite some time ago too), I believe they ended up making a modded test dummy with specific armor and absorb values. Think we’d need to do something like that to really test it.
Word is, physical damage you obtain via conversion does NOT pass Armor. Kinda like Trauma.
I vaguely remember this topic. It was just after Beronath, Reforged got 100% Elemental->Physical conversion (hence a lot of Physical conversion builds started becoming popular). What’s odd though was I remember them testing PRM converted to Physical damage which if what is known now is true means it shouldn’t have been effected by armour at all back then.
Testing armour for a modder shouldn’t be hard though as it’ll just be about creating unique enemies with certain stat characteristics for different scenarios and recording numbers. For example, DenisMashutikov did the same a couple months back to showcase that the old RR formula was incorrect.