Counting down the minutes...

…to Daredevil Season 2.

300 more seconds. Check. :rolleyes:

Here we go, lads.

Sweet baby jesus, yes, i can’t WAIT for this series.

Season 1 was a masterpiece in series quality.

I really hope S2 lives up to and surpasses it.

Kingpin was -amazing-

Alright… Been waiting for this.

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Pwoot! At least we had Jessica Jones to hold us over as an appetizer as we wait for the main course :slight_smile:

ohh, nice i didn’t even realize season 2 was here :o

My girl and I loved season 1.

I know what im watching tonight :smiley:

Jessica Jones was pretty bad overall. Horrible acting and the writing was really awful. The only actor of any skill in it was the bad guy, can’t remember his name.

And that’s saying alot coming from me. I’m less picky in what I’ll watch compared to some people. Or maybe I’m getting grumpier as I slowly get older.

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As i first saw jessica jones i felt like beeing in a “this is how you end when you drink whisky for breakfast already” commercial lol. Jesus, dat girl …

About her role; well, got to say it were more the actors around her that did not shine, she did quite ok for my taste.

And yeh, thumbs up for daredevil woohoo. :slight_smile:

Its the age man. I learn to not expect much heh. I’m getting closer to 30

I dunno… The chick who played Jessica was a pretty bad 1-tune actor. It absolutely didn’t help them that the writing was ridiculously bad and all over the place. It got worse the farther in to the season that you got.

The bad acting could have been salvaged mostly if the writer wasn’t a complete inept moron who wrote in crappy dialogue and numerous “wtf are you even thinking? Who the hell is that stupid?!” moments.

The 1st few episodes were alright… Past that point tho the flaws became ever more apparent.

If Daredevil is a 10 I’d rate JJ at least a -5 in comparison.

It also didn’t help that within minutes, literally, into the first episode they made it quite clear they had an agenda by shoving lesbian love down our throats loudly and blatantly. It was obvious they were pandering that quick. Don’t get me wrong, as a straight male I love me some woman on woman action, but there was zero subtlety and it was obvious WHY they were doing it in the manner they went about it.

Welcome to America folks.

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And as a gay man, I agree with you completely.

They don’t have to literally try and ‘include’ every single possible human relationship scenario in every single series or movie to try and ‘get’ us to watch it…

I have never EVER read a review to a movie and thought, “nope. no dudes making out. not gonna see it.”

And by that same token, I don’t like -any- romance shoved into my face in a series i watch for magic, superpowers, or sci fi goodness.

So anyways, about Daredevil…

…only got 4 episodes into S2 but those four are essentially on par with the entirety of S1. Looking forward to the remaining 9.

Absolutely. I had my suspicions leading up to JJ how it might turn out since beforehand I was seeing “girlpower” “strong” “independent” type phrases bandied all around plus of course the whole LGBT-mania going around these days. But they could of waited at least more than 5 minutes into the 1st episode to show how proud they were. Instead it was carpet town with the Matrix chick lickety split.

Plus all the “straight” sex scenes, jus like hey, wanna do it? Bam! Doing it.

Was funny the first time or two I guess but whatever.

Yea I’m into the second episode and so far so good… It’s definitely promising to be as gritty as the 1st. Punisher is proving to be one nasty mf’er so far. No bones about it.

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On Episode 5.

Let me just say, that Jon Bernthal (The Punisher) is fucking amazing.

Thank you. That is all.

On Episode DONE.

You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Bernthal’s performance is honestly one of the best I’ve ever seen in any form of media. And yet the season has a 68/100 Metacritic score…I just can’t respect ‘professional’ critics anymore.

Anyone else think the Kingpin is one scary motherfucker?

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Spoilerinos, broski

And yes.

Is it lol? I mean he was pretty scary in 1st season but man that one part in this season… Who ooo eeeeeee

Bout shit my pants.

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Fuckin’ kingpin man.

One of my favorite actors.


Dude WAS Kingpin. Hands down. This is the series/comic book production that the people have been waiting for.

The critics be damned.

Agreed. Definitely one of the best series out there right now.

Just sucks we have to wait a year to see more.

The way I see it with Netflix having shook up the whole format they just need to keep these actors employed year round and keep cranking out the goodness now.

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