Crate Devs are you happy with Malmouth Sales so far?

Just wondering, it might be early to tell but the xpac has already been out for 24 hours. Doing pretty well i guess base on some data but… do please tell us…

Just let us know if you are not happy and we will go buy you some more… :wink:

As of yesterday, it paid for a significant portion of its development costs already (yes, the Kickstarter technically funded a first expansion, but we went well beyond that scope), so so far so good I suppose? :smiley:

But you can always go buy more. :wink:

I’ll make a deal with you. As long as you guys make more, I will buy it Deal? ( I want to see that whole world map covered )

Thats pretty cool that you guys already covered so much of the development costs just on day 1, here’s hoping the expansion doesn’t just break even, but starts turning you guys a profit

Even though I got my two keys for both base game and expansion for free, I would still buy it, if only I had an opportunity. Unfortunately, I don’t.

Still, good news. Big Z.

2nd expac confirmed? :smiley:

If anyone is interested, PM me your info and I’ll send you an xpac key.

These dev’s could use the support!

Offer valid only for the first PM though and I’ll update this post to reflect if it’s been claimed or not.

Edit: WeskerEnd was the first so he’s the recipient.

Better give the expac key than the money

True. I’ll change the offer.

Still can’t send PMs. I guess I can’t take that offer? lol

You know, when you spend more time researching about the game than playing or posting.

When will the whole world map covered ? :D:D

You’re the first! I’ll send a PM for your email.

Thank you so much for the kind gift. It will be used for hours to come.

As you did it to help this amazing community, I’ll give it back a little by buying the Crucible DLC now out of sale, it’s not much but I think it’s something.

Thank you.

Congrats I guess? :smiley: Most steam players online since… ever

I think you need to learn to read numbers :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder how much more before that 300k copies are sold… :undecided:

According Steam Spy the expansion has sold so far around 100k which is very low in my opinion for the value for money you get, not to mention we need to hit 300k to cement a 2nd expansion!

Go buy more copies people - i am buying keys and giving to friends every month (kind of like subscription fee in my mind).

that’s freaking low… perhaps GOG could add half of those numbers and still not even half way? :rolleyes:

i hope steamspy is outdated or something

I’m quite surprised if sales are really going that slow. As with the expac GD gained a lot of popularity and respectively new players, the old player base aside.

ATM GD is more frequently mentioned on PoE forums than PoE itself, and many people say they bought a copy to try it out. Eventually, there could be similar processes with the D3 player base, sounds logical. Also there are a lot of streamers doing the game, it helps a lot as well.

So 100K looks like ridiculously low, at least for me.

I would love to read their forums:rolleyes:

something is off with those numbers… I guess we will have to wait for 1st week Nov, hopefully details will be spilled come misadventure