Crate Entertainment Talks About Grim Dawn 2 Plans

Esta ai questão
se a historia e tao grande assim. não vejo porque não ter um grim dawn 2 ou seja la o que for.
Dinheiro suficiente pra um novo projeto não sera desculpa , porque este jogo vendeu, vendeu muito .e continua vendendo.
novas mecânicas novos gráficos que não sejam muito exigentes com uma engine amigável sera muito bem vindo.
Grim dawm ja e antigo e precisa de uma sequencia minha humilde opinião.

Seems the interview was split into several articles

Random noob who found this post while randomly surfing the forum

" You find a statue of the old Saviour who did the best for mankind as long as he lived and then you pay respects and suddenly get an ABILITY to wield gun on one hand and sword on another " and a voice

This begins the journey through the portals to the dark world where the pieces of the old God lay scattered amidst agonizing cries of Grava’thull and finally to realise The forgotten God was the brother of Ch’thon who was tricked by the witch gods and before Ch’thon passed away he saved the last of his chaotic flesh to shape a Human in whom the green sparks of aetherials run instead of blood , hoping oneday he will purge the world of betrayers.

NEMESIS - Dreeg, Solael, Mehnir etc etc …


Good one, about the toilet paper.

А я думаю, после выхода D4, разработчики посмотрели, и решили что можно заняться игрой, т.к, слишком много людей оказались не довольны тем что представила метелица…

some GD2 (non) info from the discord:



leaking classified information :male_detective:



I’ll only be 60 when GD 2 comes out, can’t wait!


*puts spectacles back in place, aktually, the legendary loot will be ivermectin

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Same, sadly…

They should’ve made a pool:

1- Do you guys (the ones that gives money to say thank you for great games) want Grim Dawn 2

2- Or an RTS that the DEVs wants, Like Farthest Frontier that only has a 1000 players?

ye, what a shame, farthest frontier only sold what, over a million copies? real darn pity the devs bothered with that
heck, since they are clearly not passionate about what they do, just chasing flops with low active player count, there’s absolutely no way anything good can come from an RTS either that they have interest to make - because devs enjoying their work clearly never lead to anything worthwhile

In my opinion there is only one thing that they can or should do better if they make GD2, and that is if they make GD2 with online servers!, As for the rest i dont care much :stuck_out_tongue: I love grim dawn for what it is, i wouldnt mind just a few more xpansions, i dont need new graphics or new whatever, just keep adding to this game. but thats just my opinion! if they do make gw2 im gona buy for sure anyways :slight_smile:

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At least you state the truth.

I’ll just quote Medierra from a now deleted forum thread:

"A big factor for working on something else though is that I don’t think it is good to keep all our eggs in one basket, as a studio. Our primary goal is to keep the company alive so we can keep being independent and making games. While it’s certainly possible to focus on one franchise and stay alive for a long time doing it, it’s riskier having all your future dependent on the continued success of one game property in one genre. Diversifying the types of games we can make and the IPs we own is a good way for us to better secure out future.

Beyond just branching out to work on other genres, it has always been a goal of mine to be able to work on concurrent projects. Not only do we not want to be pigeon-holed into one genre but I think it’s important for us to be able to work on multiple projects at time. That way, we’re not just counting on the success of a single big release to keep us alive, where if it under-performs, it could take years to course-correct and finish another project (years we likely wouldn’t have). This also helps to increase the efficiency of the studio, as we can shift people around based on the needs of a project at any give time, instead of having lulls at the beginning and end of a single project, where not everyone is needed at full capacity. Another factor is that people get burnt out working on one thing for too many years. When people get burnt out, they leave and look for something new. I feel like we have a great team and I want to keep them engaged with fresh new projects and not solely grinding away on ARPGs for the next 20 years."

Farthest is well on the way to 2 mil copies sold and it’s still in early access. No idea where we are with the horror survival game as we know very little about that so far. As gnomish said the RTS game will use Crate’s new generation game engine so that’ll take some time to develop. Any GD2 is around a decade away so don’t hold your breath for news/info on that.

You don’t own us because you bought a copy of our game, haha. :laughing:

By every metric, Frontier is already a greater success than Grim Dawn was, so I’m not sure the money argument is what you want to go with.


Then there are players like me. If GD2 relies on network connection, I won’t touch it.


dont get me rong i hope grim dawn 2 doesnt need an internet conection to play, but would be nice to have a proper online with server and cheat checking :stuck_out_tongue:

And then piss off all the people who enjoy making and playing mods for the game. :crazy_face:

i prefer a game like GD with no bullshit but those are not mutually exclusive. but was D2 the only one that ever was this way?

crate is still considered indie right? maybe we should get them a publisher so they can’t do what they want xDD

They are independent and not interested in having investors/publishers.