crate! i'd like to mod the crucible but i am ethically concerned

that i would be “giving” it away for free because its in the mod?

here is an excellent example of why we need a CLI .arz repacker.

  1. give us CLI arz repacker
  2. we can then setup a script to repack assets the user has with only our mod changes
  3. you (crate) can sell DLC to your hearts content, and modders can play nice without circumventing the purchase->download->play lifecycle for acquiring said DLC

if i’m wrong about the crucible and there is some additional magic keeping it from being accidentally (or intentionally) shared via mod. please let me know because otherwise i dont think I will be including it in my compilation (sadly).

i did notice that the kickstarter rewards did have some special checks in the quest files. is that enough ? does crucible have something similar?

i really dont want to mod+package it and break some rules.

There are many parts of the Crucible that are tech and you can’t access them simply by extracting its database.

So, for clarity, its fine if we release modified ‘/survivalmode’ mods to the public? This has been a point of hesitation for a good number of us.

Or are you saying that releasing ‘/survivalmode’ changes would be ineffectual because they’re for some reason internally loaded?

What exactly are you trying to take out of the Crucible, is the question.

Many of the scripts won’t work because they require tech to back them up, for example.

If somebody takes the maps, reconfigures the scripts to make like a half-Crucible clone attempt mod, that’s not ok and you would be asked to remove it.

If somebody buys the Crucible, extracts it and learns from its mechanisms to make something unique of their own, that would be fine.

I dont want to take anything “out” per se.

I’d like to add all of the extra masteries to crucible somehow.


  1. i could add them to the base folder (bad form) and deal with messyness of “uninstall” and other trickery

  2. i could write a script to modify the crucible on the fly, if there was a CLI arz repacker. then i could share my changes but not the actual crucible itself.

  3. ??? some new magic where we can load mods on top of each other in a “load” order style method like pretty much every other moddable game allows?

Different approach:

for releasing changed survival mode we could make an own installer which contains encrypted survival mode content that can only be decrypted by a key that is build upon either a certain filestructure inside the survival mode or hash of certain files of it, so that you can not decrypt it without having the original survival mode purchased.

Of course the installer does not contain any key but checks a checksum when applying the installation of a crucible modification like check if the files are there, generate key out of them and uses it to attempt to decrypt it’s content and use checksum to see if the key was right.

How about that?

Edit: BTW what we’re talking about is changing content inside the official survival mode, for example changing the maps / replacing or adding new ones, adding new defenses etc…

warning, thought dump ahead.

elfe: I have a better idea. i can just use a diff file and if you dont have the originals. the diff literally cannot work and since its a binary diff. there isn’t anything useful in the diff blob. and even if there was, its 100% dAil stuff and 0% crucible stuff.

yes its messy, and it will require you to delete the dlc and re download every patch because i’m not gonna make 50 versions of the diff and upload them.

before I do that. i have a fundamental problem

  1. main char saves -> yes can go into crucible.
  2. mod made chars -> no cannot go into crucible.

how to resolve this?

do we have to symlink from the mod folder save to the main folder? the way we are doing with the main char saves to teh mod folders right now?

thats messy. but i guess its the only option?

id much prefer that the crate DLC be some kind of special mod that allows other mods to sit on top of it so we can treat it as an optional extension ot the main game.

right now its kind of wonky.

Am I stupid or couldn’t you just copy/paste all the masteries (and related mastery-table info) into the survivalmode mod and release that?

Whether or not we’re allowed to do that was what I was getting at, above, in my first post.

Man that would be so nice, then people could sort of just combine mods together for their own “compilation” without needing to bug you all the time :cool:.

As great as that would be… it’s not something I foresee anytime soon, that seems like a massive undertaking.

No doubt, considering what a fundamental change it would be.

been trying various things. i can’t get a fully merged DAIL + crucible database to work. it just boots me back to main menu every time.

gonna try more minor changes see if those are allowed.

ok it works now

working on diff patch will upload separate NSIS installer soon.