Crate! Please...

Hello dear Crate artists,I got a favor to ask ,is this possible to somehow change how crucible mode works? I mean ,that would be nice if it would be somehow integrated into game (not in mods folder) ,so mods would become usable with this. I have been playing your games for years ,from the Iron Lore Times ,love TQ,TQIT ,later mods for TQ IT - Underlord and Soulvizier ,now I came to Grim Dawn ,AoM and CM ,started with Grimarillion (which also adds classes from TQ ,now I’m playing Earth - Soldier Character and love it) and can’t use my character in DLC I have bought (CM)… I want for my badass char to take care of all those beasts :slight_smile:

I’m not a modder, but it may not be possible. Crucible has different parameters for bosses/heroes - and where would you put it in the game anyway? It’s a stand alone arena challenge. All base game characters can switch from the main campaign into Crucible and back again, in fact a lot of people start their characters off in Crucible and then change over. But not sure you could get modded characters to be able to work in it. :undecided:

so ,let’s trust Crate :slight_smile:

It’ll be up to the modding community to make it possible, if it is.

As far as I know, everything Crate used to make GD (well, almost, because they didn’t give us the engine) is downloadable by every person that owns this game. So it must be possible, they even said (iirc) that every expansion is used/classified as a mod.

Yeah, but it’s going to be a lot of work to try and put Crucible into the main game, not as a stand alone. Given the different balancing of the heroes/bosses I’m not sure how easy it would be.