Creative mode?

idk if its on the plans, or if someone has asked for this already but.
Wouldn’t it be beautiful to have the oportunity to make the craziest and greatest cities in creative mode?
I mean, i love this game and all but i have a massive skill issue and cant really get past some point of the game when i want to do the city im imagining.

State of Early Access #6:

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love u man. any idea of when will this happen?

Not really. Zantai said v0.9.4 should go into playtesting soon. Need to get past that and v0.9.5 before we test v0.9.6.

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got it, thanks man

flippin fantastic!! I jump around to different games but my go-to fave is FF, hands down. It’s the visual appeal and being able to just create/build without boundaries would be something I could spend a metric sh$t-ton of time on. Thank you…can’t wait!