over all i’ve very much enjoyed playing Crucible. it is a very different play experience then anything else in the game. especially when it is played completely separately from the rest of the game. only real issue i see so far is that buy back for devotions costs shards and shards don’t seem to drop much. in the main game they’re a dime a dozen. as they are a fixed drop. not for sure if they aren’t dropping much or are dropping on a much higher wave. played for a hour and only got one. the drop rate for ingredients in general is much less then the main game. doesn’t really seem to be to big a issue though. it limits choice of relics, i believe they are called. but that isn’t a game breaker. shards not dropping though extremely limits devotion respec. which pretty much mandates use of the main game for certain play styles
only thing i can think of really is possibly massively increasing the iron cost of buying back devotion points. or having them cost tribute point to buyback while inside the Crucible, instead of shards. two each wouldn’t actually be a bad price. though i could see three even being balanced. considering how you go about getting devotion points in the crucible and their progressive cost increase