Crucible: Prevent ranged monsters from hiding in spawn points

This is particularly frustrating for melee builds.

I hate it when monsters either get stuck, or decide to hide out way beyond the barriers and snipe at me, forcing me to use up valuable time coaxing them out to where I can attack them.

If all monsters would at least move out beyond the barriers immediately following their spawns, that would be awesome. -make them also fight fair!

+1 for this.

So far i’m loving the crucible but it gets kind of annoying when ranged enemies decide to just camp at the spawn point, especially sense you take damage going into those areas. Another enemy type that just sits there are the Aetherial Obelisk’s. I mean i get they don’t move, but its kind of lame having to go into those areas to kill it.

Have not tried The Crucible yet with a ranged build but for melee builds these situations just don’t feel right to me.

this would be definitely great! Range builds (as my AAR Scorcerer) can kill most hiding enemys without entering the spawn area. Some of them are hiding in a very unlucky position, so i have to enter the area to kill them.

Yeah it blows when you lose your 10x bonus because a skeleton decides that the back corner of the spawn area is where he’s gonna make his last stand.

You just go past the barriers and get them, right? Standing around waiting for the monsters to come get you is how you get dead in the Crucible. The first pack you take on of each wave should be killed inside the barrier. Attack!

No running inside the barrier is how you get dead in the Crucible

I’m really guessing you have never actually tried this, I’d love to see you stream doing this…and live :wink:

Seriously giving people advice that will get them killed is hardly useful, helpful or kind.

It’s not lethal to spend a few seconds inside the barrier, pop a potion and you have about 5 seconds to run around.

Yeah great logic to use in harder difficulties.

I guess I don’t have an issue with this since all my characters are ranged or hybrid ranged :slight_smile:
Definitely could see this being an issue for melee characters on harder difficulties.

Seems like a band-aid solution. Even melee enemies will ‘hide’ in there if you have a source of Terrify (cough Pretty Great Pants), except they tend to go deep in where the damage is highest.

Truth be told, I don’t fully understand why those areas are covered in environmental damage to begin with. An anti-spawncamping measure? If players want to risk being insta-blownup by some crazy Crucible Nemesis spawn, let them. Plus, you know, there’s other spawns too (although I guess there’d be multiplayer spawncamping?).

If we must have a hard-on for environmental damage, I’d prefer to see it actually in parts of the main arena so as to make kiting even more !fun!

That’s a very good point and one I agree with totally

Personally, I’d prefer not to have all this environmental damage, but that’s just me.

Though with this spawn areas being as they are, I’m sticking to ranged builds and I’ve said this elsewhere as well regards mobs hiding in there and wasting time to pull them out.

+1 to this

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+1 to all the other +1s here

Can’t really say much more than what’s been mentioned already.

I’m guessing you don’t have a build that can do it :smiley:
My 2 main builds go there consistently without dieng. If you don’t have health regen or Damage convert to health you’ll die, yes.

If you can go there, it goes help you to kill monsters/heroes before you get swarmed by more coming from other spawn points.

I’m guessing this measure was for anti-party gameplay. You could have one person sitting in each spawn point and killing the mobs before it came out, at least a portion of it, and then taking care of the remaining as a team. But it totally sucks for singleplayer.