Current Hellhound: Infernal Breath or Ember Claw?


so since we no longer need to spend 1 point into the upfront abilities to get to the latter ones, I figured it might make sense to use the hellhound with maxed infernal breath.

Whats the current consensus on this? Infernal or claw? And if infernal, is the hellfire passive worth it to increase fire damage for the breath?

Taking both of them seems like a waste, or is it no longer the case?

According to this guide, Infernal Breath is better for the purposes of generating aggro because of the number of ticks.

Look, what the situation is - claws ineffective until they are at least 6 levels, breathing effectively at first.
So the choice is obvious in your case.

If I invest, I was thinking about maxing the one I invest into anyways. Should I go infernal or claw in that case? What do you think?

I take claw IMO because when hellhound uses the breath the animation for it takes forever and that severely nerfs the dps output of the hellhound…when he uses claw he almost instantly goes back to doing auto attacks and the claw does some serious damage at max rank

Are you sure it still behaves like that? To me it looks rather like the hellhound is spitting his fire, but only the very start of the spitting actually blocks his animation state. Just after a very short amount of time he already is “free” to do other stuff.
You can often see him spitting fire, and while still fire is coming out of his mouth he is already walking around and hitting other stuff.

Maybe that behavior got changed at some point by the devs?