Hi there! I have an HC lv100 AAR chaos warlock currently in Visage of Black flame set and sadly a non-mythical Vestments of Severed Fate. I know it’s bad and pretty squishy even for late Ult FG but my options are what they are (waiting for that lucky drop…). It’s meant to be a simple high level totem farmer, nothing too ambitious.
My question is - everywhere I read says I need at least 2800 DA and I barely have 2100. How do I get there, like at all? Both masteries don’t really have any DA skills, I have tons of damage absorption from Maiven Sphere and Possession and decent Phys Res from Blood of Dreeg which is how it’s still alive. Do I respec all devoutions into those that give any and all DA?
I’d post the build, but it’s beside the point, I’m generally curious for any HC warlock or even any caster without many DA options on masteries. I know it’s a hard stat to come by, but I can’t really find a comprehensive summary on DA sources anywhere. Maybe it exists and I’m blind.
there is DA on some items (flat values and / or % values, item prefixes, item suffixes)
every point, invested in Physique raises your DA a bit
look at stars and constellations (you can make a query with “defensive ability”) and see, which stars or constellations provide DA, and incorporate those in your build)
some components and augments provide DA
But it is up to you what and how much you want to “sacrifice” when chasing DA. I mean - every DA gain should be accompanied by another gain.
The link to your build could tell us more, what can be improved immediately and what you need to wait until a “favorable” drop occurs.
Fair to say at the end I don’t play HC, so my advice and suggestions are made from the SC standpoint.
it’s going to depend on your overall build how you meeting your needs.
First, if you only plan to be a totem farmer, strictly, you wont need 2800 DA, that’s for real endgame stuff like SR etc
then, depending on build lower DA might still be doable vs what other defensive layers/mechanism have, Grey’s lightning warlock has like 2500 DA iirc and still does splendid in SR.
Linking your build would probably be the easiest if you want direct pointers, aside from that Sir Mac covered the most
Direct “universal” DA utility for warlock would be Solael’s Witchfire buff in Occ, Arcane Will in Arcanist, and ofc 3x DA specific jewellery augments
If you can get it easily enough w/o sacrificing other important stats, sure it’s nice. But if you can’t, it’s not gonna be the end of the world and I wouldn’t stress it, like Gnomish said you won’t need high DA for most Main campaign stuff anyhow.