Hello i was thinking about a daily quest system for grim dawn. If you are level 100 for example you can do every day like 4-5 quests and get some items as reward. I mean its nothing complete new but i guess it could be a nice feature.
Welcome to the forum.
GD simply isn’t that sort of game. It’s not online only, people can play it offline and however much or little they want. Also the game is content complete and Crate are focusing on their other projects. Crate are a small indie company of 13-15 people, there’s simply no way they could turn out that amount of content on a regular basis when most of them are working on the other projects.
@Tira You want Grim Dawn 2 to be a mmoarpg, admit it.
well you can sync it with the system time so it would be possible in singleplayer
No to daily quest system. Better rework bounty table to achieve a similar effect, but it won’t be gated by time.
yeah or like this
bounties could def use an upgrade in terms of reward
^specially rep reward for devil’s crossing, rovers, and homestead on Normal/Vet
maybe even add in some new ones/new targets like Nemesis
Yeah nemesis target sounds great ! Maybe reward could be random legendary or blueprint or 2-3 rare mats
This!!! Agree completely. Rewards are so unrewarding
daily quest/rewards are abusive to human psychology, liking them should be recognized as stockholm syndrome.
they are not designed for you to enjoy, they are designed to keep you logging in because of fear of missing out. and this system is like mentioned, abusive to human psychology.
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