Damage calculation for celestial powers/devotion abilities

Hi guys

Quick question here.

I’m a bit unsure about what/how damage modifiers effect your celestial powers.

What prompted this question was how underpowered my Firestrike Sorcerer feels in comparison to the crossbow Blademaster I’m building.

My Sorcerer has 26.5k DPS (which I’m not sure includes the “chance to” skills like Static Strike and Overload), just under 2400 OA, over 50% crit damage. Also has maxed Fissure and Elemental Storm.

And yet it takes a lot of plugging just to take away a tenth of a training dummy HP pool in Ultimate.

On the flip side, though I haven’t reached the higher difficulties, the physical/pierce damage of Blademaster seems to be a lot more powerful even for comparable DPS rates. And I cannot understand why.

So I guess this boils down to 2 questions:

1) How is damage from celestial powers calculated/effected?

Let’s just take Fissure as an example. It has at maxed level:

6-8 fragments
1465-1845 fire damage
3344 burn damage

My total fire damage boost (with skills running, as shown in char sheet) is just under 1000%, whereas burn is 850%. So shouldn’t the fire part be boosted 1000%, and the burn 850%? Because that would take the damage to around 40-50k per fragment for fire and burn combined. But it certainly doesn’t feel that powerful at all.

So are these skills perhaps only effected by spirit bonus, for example?

This leads to my next question…

2. Do enemy resists play a role in the relative power of damage types?

In short, does physical/pierce feel more powerful because enemy resists for those damage types tends to be lower?

I have resist reduction from both Viper and Elemental Storm from devotions, yet it feels as though enemies typically have high elemental resists. That would be my guess.

Whereas physical must be typically less, and pierce ignores armour, right?

Thank you

The values you are seeing on the tooltips already take into consideration your damage bonuses, just like your skills. Each fragment deals the listed damage, so you can shotgun an enemy for potentially ~1800x8 + 3300 (burn won’t stack).

Ah that makes sense. >_< Kinda obvious once you mention it (For some reason when I was looking at devotion skills I was thinking base damage, like flat damage skills. I feel stupid)

I wonder what the reason is for elemental feeling much weaker compared to physical/pierce though?

Do also note, that if constellation procs are binded to summons, they’ll use summon stats instead of your own.