Hey! I keep hearing different accusations thrown around about one damage type or another being underpowered, so I went ahead and compiled the resistances of every notable* boss (from Grimtools database) to see which damage type is actually most effective come end-game. The results may (or not) surprise you! I will go in order from worst to best.
NOTE - This list excludes physical as I don’t care to create arbitrary resistance numbers from armor values.
Rank C-: Vitality (23.14)
Vitality definitely gets the shit-end of the stick. Not only is it heavily resisted by many bosses (and resisted above average by many more), it has the dubious honor of not having a single enemy with less than 25% resistance to it. It is also for some reason resisted by superbosses (138%!) more than other damage types (103% for others). I would go as far as to say you would need like -150 RR to be comparable to -100 RR of some other damage types.
Rank C: Fire (21.95)
While not as bad as Vitality, it is still heavily resisted by several bosses (Iron Maiden, pretty much every Ch’thonian boss except Benn’Jarr) and above average resisted by many others.
Rank B: Aether, Lightning, Cold (19.97, 19.94, 19.5)
These damage types are more well-rounded than the previous tiers. Decent amounts of little resistance, some above-average resisters, with a few notable heavily resistant (90+%) individuals each.
Rank A: Pierce, Poison, Chaos (16.72, 16.46, 16.39)
These damage types are strong compared to previous tiers. The majority of bosses have no notable resistance to them and only several resist them above-average. Aside from superbosses, Pierce is only heavily resisted by Kaisan, Poison only by Aleksander, and Chaos only by Benn’Jar and Reaper. Chaos is particularly interesting in that every other Ch’thonian boss resists Chaos only by 43% (and Grava’Thul only 18%!).
Rank S: Bleeding (14.22)
With the exception of Alkamos (118% resist) and superbosses, pretty much every other notable* end-game threat has only 18% bleed resistance. That includes creatures you may not expect like Benn’Jar, Moosilauke, and Zantarin. In fact, here’s the list of bosses that don’t have 18%…
- Ishtal Form 2: 43%
- Kra’vall: 58%
- Log: 43%
- Marcell: 53%
- Korvaak: 53%
- Kaisan: 63%
…and that’s it.
Spreadsheet with numbers is HERE (Spoiler warning due to secret bosses listed).