damageAbsorptionPercent to pets

Why is it so hard to add this variable to passive skills? It only works or exists on a handful of skills for the player (And when trying to add it to existing skills it’s a PITA because almost no skill template accepts it) but as soon as you try to apply it to pets, it just never ever works.

You can add/alter resists (or almost any other variable) on almost any buff, passive, circuit breaker, offensive, defensive skills. But as soon as you try to add damageAbsorptionPercent, it rarely works on player skills and never on pets. For example: natureblessing1_buff.dbr, natureblessing1_petbonus.dbr. why won’t damageAbsorptionPercent work on these buff skills?

Or passively? or negatively? i.e. total damage modified +10% damageAbsorptionPercent -10% on a devotion skill will never ever work on you or pets. Why does this limitation exist? Am I seeing something wrong?

Tested it with tier1_15a.dbr, which is the crossroads set (15a-15e) for example but it is just not working. I can add all sorts of resistances or other variables just fine so I’m 100% sure my modding works. I’m confounded.

Am I asking this question in the wrong forum?

Absorption was not designed to be added to passive abilities.

Nor was the intent ever to give it to pets. It would however apply to pets through auras.

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Thanks for the reply. I did notice that you could have it passively for the main character but it’s weird because you basically set a circuit breaker to “below 101% health” with a duration at least as long as its cooldown.

I liked the idea of trying devotions with +% total damage and -% damage absorption or the other way around. The only way I see this being possible is with adding a proc to the devotion effect and tying that one to an aura. It’s a bit of a convoluted way to achieve something simple. The concept would signify a barbarian-esque playstyle or even trying something like how oldschool WoW Warrior worked with defensive stance vs gladiator stance. Though I guess tying it in with Devotions means you’re dedicating yourself to one stance.

Would have been nice to have pets with a flat out x% damage absorption as a clear indicator they’re meant to be “tanks”. Since there’s so many variables for all the damage types and resists, it takes less time.

While we’re on the subject of damage mitigation variables… Were there any ideas floating around in the dev team regarding a defensive damage conversion? i.e. “20% of incoming fire damage converted to physical damage”? Guess it’s a bit off rails in regards to the topic but you already answered the topic’s question anyway.