Dark Souls Inspired Mod (WIP)

Hey everyone! (For info about the mod itself, go to the next section) So for starters, this is my first modding project. I am currently going to school for Game Design and have worked with several engines/toolkits, however I have never touched Titan Quest or Grim Dawn’s editors. I love this game and the devs behind it, and really want to add to it. Again, I am still learning this editor so any help or advice is greatly welcome, and hopefully I can get at least the masteries done in a reasonable amount of time.

The Mod

Moving on to what I actually have planned:

  • At least 5 masteries (mostly based on attributes) - Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith, Pyromancy, and possibly more. (Hexes/Dark, Poison/Bleed, something new?)[/ul]
    [ul]A new world with souls-style level design. (Shortcuts, traps, connected areas, bosses blocking progress, etc.)[/ul]
    [ul]NPCs with story lines.[/ul]
    [ul]Item drop system more focused on items with set stats that have drop rates from certain enemies and are guaranteed in certain chests/containers instead of the default item generation system.[/ul]
    [ul]Some means of trading boss souls for weapons.[/ul]
    [ul]Bosses/combat that has more telegraphing/dodging/etc. to create a skill rewarding system akin to Dark Souls. By this I mean possibly adding some way of actually dodging attacks as well as adding more start up and recovery times to the player skills to try to increase difficulty and add more depth.[/ul]
    [ul]Not sure what to do with Devotion yet, but there are a lot of possibilities.[/ul]
    [ul]More as new ideas come.

My plan for development is to start with the masteries and then allow people to test them in the default world since it is the shortest/easiest and most immediately significant change. Then from there I can start working on building the actual world, which of course will take much more time. I am willing to accept help or ideas from anyone that wants to be a part of this, just contact me on here. I am confident that if I can learn the editor and receive some help from the community I can create a new, enjoyable experience for Grim Dawn players. Let me know what you guys think!

Sounds like Zenith.

Looking forward to seeing your take.

@ryanst Very interesting! I will keep an eye for the first test releases!

@Ceno you realy had to advertise your mod on the 2nd post of anothers mod thread? and by saying “Sounds Like” you practicaly saying “Oh i thought it first”. Thats a bit unrespectfull at least.

Sounds like Zenith though.

All Ceno actually said is ‘I am working on something similar and am looking forward to seeing what you do with that idea’.

There was nothing disrespectful about it. The ‘I thought of it first’ is only in your head.

On topic: I am looking forward to this, sounds like an interesting idea, but a lot of work

Actualy it sounds like Dark Souls dah… :stuck_out_tongue: As the title implies. Anyway this isnt the place for continuing an argument.

And if a mod has similarities with another mod i dont see the point of stating it, probably all the mods have or will have many similar systems.

The link to his mod wasnt in my head, right? That is what i critisize. So please dont underestimate me like this.

@ryanst will you change anything to the combat mechanism? slower fights or lesser but stronger enemies?

So if he had written the exact same thing without a link you would have been ok with it ?

That does not change anything wrt your ‘I thought of it first’ interpretation / criticism…

Yeah, this. I don’t get the “this is similar to Zenith” when what it directly takes inspiration from is right in the name.

the more we argue the more attention it gets. anyways im excited to see new areas. not enough people are making area mods :smiley:

>Extend hand of goodwill
>Get shit on

Wow this got a lot more attention overnight than I was expecting. Thank you all for sharing your excitement! And on the topic of Ceno’s comment, I took it as a positive one, so there is no need to argue about it. In fact, I have been using Ceno’s video on making masteries to help me learn the process better and was actually excited to see him be the first comment.

As for similarities to Zenith, I can see how it could sound similar but I’m fairly certain I have some significantly different ideas than what he does, though in writing it sounds similar. Bear in mind that any mod that plans to overhaul the game will do a lot of similar things, as there are main aspects of the game that are easily changed and make the biggest difference. They both add masteries, new areas, loot inspired by Dark Souls systems, etc, but most of these are what anyone should expect from a mod to Grim Dawn. I simply want to focus on making a mod that ties together two games I love. I am still in pre-planning, but the abilities I have in mind will be themed on Dark Souls gameplay and memes (for instance, I have an exclusive skill for strength called The Legend that will probably add something like defense/energy regen and then an upgrade for it called Fire up the Bass Cannon that adds chaos damage. I am also debating making the skills based off different weapon classes, since doing that would make more sense and be easier than trying to actually mod in new weapons). Don’t take my use of the word memes to imply that it is going to be overly jokey though, just that it will reference both the universe and the iconic parts of the community.

@Erevos I do plan on changing the combat mechanics. As of now, my plans are to have less amounts of stronger enemies, have cooldowns and high energy costs for skills to simulate different attacks/spells in the way that they drain stamina and have recovery times in Dark Souls, and probably buff Energy regen to further make it more like a stamina bar. I think that most of that is fairly simple to do within the engine, but if not I will most likely have to make changes.

If anyone has more questions or advice I will gladly hear it and respond as soon as I can.

Yes please.

Also requesting the ONE PUNCH MUSHROOMS

Ohh, this sounds very interesting. :slight_smile:

I was hoping someone would do a DKS style mod for GD. i would have probably done so myself if i wasn’t so damn lazy and decided to learn the modding tools. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if rolling could be implemented with the GD modding tools.

@Ceno, no one punch shrooms man, those guys suck :rolleyes: I’d rather fight S&O or twinked ninja flipping Havels :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re always welcome to give suggestions!

Rolling might be difficult to implement mostly because of the animation (I am not an animator by any means, and I am not quite sure how changing animations works in the engine yet), however I was thinking perhaps a dash that functionally does the same thing. I’m also considering using Devotion for extra abilities that need to be across all classes, such as the dash/roll or maybe some version of a parry.

I’m extremely tempted to figure out a way to do ninja flips, but I am worried it might be really difficult. Maybe I can find a really cheesy or ridiculous way of doing it. As for O&S… well how could I not include something reminiscent of them?

Yeah i had a feeling rolling would be a pain, especially with the animations like you said. Maybe instead of a straight up roll, a teleport style skill would work, or like a shadow strike type skill that can target the ground might work as well. hum i wonder if there would be a way to implement equipment weight somehow.

ninja flips would be amazing imo :cool: hopefully you could figure something out for that, if not no big deal.

A duel boss like O&S would be great, i just wonder how you could “infuse” them together once you kill the first one.

I hope some people who actually know how to mod (unlike myself :wink: ) will be able to help you out with this, as i believe it would be quite fun.

onDie -> Script to spawn empowered version of the other boss, and then despawn the first version of the other boss.

Well that makes sense ( i need to start messing with the tools already ). O&S here we come :stuck_out_tongue:

Another thing that just popped into my mind is interconnected areas. IIRC (its been a long time sense i played TQ) didn’t TQ have dungeons and caves without loading screens? Idk if thats possible with GD modding tools/ engine, but i feel that would help the feel of a DKS mod. Being able to just walk right in a cave and then pop out in some random location without excess loading screens. If you get my jist.

You might be able to by abusing some art assets, but the system used for making dungeons like that - the grid system - has been purged entirely. So dungeons are no longer dungeons of the traditional sense, they are separate landscapes.

Telegraphed fights would be quite interesting. Some of my more enjoyed boss fights in GD have skills that can be dodged a bit more easily but obviously deal quite a bit of damage if you take the hit.

As for the character rolling - if you can use a monster animation as a player based skill it would be possible. However I’m not sure if you can or not. There is a rift scourge enemy that have some sort of rolling based attack and if you could put that into a movement based skill like blitz/shadowstrike (but targeting the ground rather then an actual target) then sure.

I’ve looked into it for a bit but haven’t figured out how to make a dodge/roll kind of thing. Teleport is a bit broken in that you can just pop into environment pieces and ignore non pathing areas.

There’s some you can, some you can’t. Load up the malepc01.msh in the Viewer and go through the various monster types’ .anm files to see which will actually work or which will give you a T-pose.

In Zenith I’m using one of the Trogg mage animations for the Terror Knight, for example.