I was making a darkblaze character and it turned out to be ok but what i really would put cherry on top would be some % damage reduction… even smth like 10% would do IMO.
Cuz, outside of other options, like “Ulzuin’s Wrath” ( which only activates from groups even ) there is nota lot to choose from without sacrificing sweet flavored power. What you guys think?
maybe it can be turned into a proc with some additional qol instead? cuz as separate skill it has very poor utility and no real usage even as a proccer.
Personally I like it and use it to proc Raise the Dead while enjoying the monsters getting knocked in the air. The downside is that your shots track them as they rise and fall so you miss a bit, but it’s not that bad honestly…
Yeah, I agree that some damage reduction would be nice. It’s an ok skill imo vs trash mobs, but pretty useless outside of that. And as @afanasenkov26 mentioned, not really even useful as a proccer.
Well, kinda. But not really though, since a few other skills have such animation. Comes with “crushing rock” sound though, so not sure about that anymore XD