I’m pretty sure Dar’Valgol the Mageclaw never actually uses his nullify ability, which he’s supposed to have according to GrimTools. I’ve had fights where he’s been surrounded by healers in SR, the fight took like 30 s to a minute, I never moved once to dodge any of his skills and all my buffs were still up. If he’s not supposed to have the Arcane nullify skill, that’s fine, maybe GT is just wrong as it sometimes is. But if that’s the case, it would be nice if the Arcane visual was removed from him. A similar thing might also be helpful for Metasis’Mal the Mageblood, who apparently neither is nor is intended to be an Arcane monster (no nullify skill listed) but has the Arcane visual. Given how much pant-shitting Arcane enemies evoke, it would be best if their visual remained distinct and easy to identify mid-combat. These two monsters kinda throw a spanner in that clarity.
Plus 1 to this, I’ve noticed it myself. I always think that they are Arcane heroes.
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Dar’Vagol was indeed not using the skill as intended.
Not sure what you mean about Metasis’Mal though. It has a golden aura. Unless perhaps you meant another hero.
Thanks, good to know.
I must be confusing the other hero then, I could have sworn there is an Insectoid Cthonian hero with a blue aura that’s not dispelling either. Might be that used to be Metasis’Mal but got recoloured later and I forgot. I’ll keep an eye out in SR and post an update if I run into him.
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