Dawn of Heroes

Yeah exactly, it’s such a pain that I’m bored really fast in the act 1. Act 2, 3 and 4 are fantastic though.

my users foudn a bug i fixed it

database\Records\Skills\FrostKnightClass\freezeself.dbr (2 hits)
	Line 24: autoCastSkill,records/skills/playerclass07/glaciation_aoe.dbr,
	Line 1090: fileNameHistoryEntry,mods/frostknight/records/skills/playerclass07/glaciation.dbr,

see the problem? :smiley:

just change the line 24 error. should be FrostKnightClass instead of class07

likely this didnt come up in your testing becuase your mastery enumeration for frost kngiht for you is 07 :smiley:

I think i found another issue with the UI assignments as well that slipped through

  \database\records\ui\skills\ClassFK\skill26.dbr (1 hit)
	Line 5: skillName,records/skills/playerclass07/weaponpool02.dbr,
  \database\records\ui\skills\ClassFK\skill27.dbr (1 hit)
	Line 5: skillName,records/skills/playerclass07/stormcaller1.dbr,
  \database\records\ui\skills\ClassFK\skill28.dbr (1 hit)
	Line 5: skillName,records/skills/playerclass07/savagery1b.dbr,
  \database\records\ui\skills\ClassFK\skill29.dbr (1 hit)
	Line 5: skillName,records/skills/playerclass07/savagestrike1b.dbr,
  \database\records\ui\skills\ClassFK\skill30.dbr (1 hit)
	Line 5: skillName,records/skills/playerclass07/stormtotem01.dbr,
  \database\records\ui\skills\ClassFK\skill31.dbr (1 hit)
	Line 5: skillName,records/skills/playerclass07/stormtotem01b_petmodifier.dbr,

These are actually unused records that I just forgot to remove, they aren’t connected to any .dbr so I don’t think they can cause any problems.

PS: removed them anyway.

Every mastery has an early skill that makes it easy to get to act 3 within half an hour to and hour

The first 5/6 levels are probably the hardest slog but an easy way to get through it is by going to hargrates island you can easily hit level 6 within 10mins get points into a skill or 2 then literally run through the entirety of act 1 and 2 with your eyes closed

Sent from my 0PJA10 using Tapatalk

Updated to v1.4.

wew! merged in 1.04

any objection to my renaming of the mastery from Vitamancer -> [ms]Priest[fs]Priestess for DAIL ?

Updated to v1.6.

Version 1.6 hotfix is up. Energy Shield is not a “godmode on” skill anymore… Also, I removed auto-pickup components from dismantle guy, I dunno if Elfe had a reason to add them to dismantle window, but they’re definitely not working for me.

Updated to v1.8. Finished a new mastery (yet another pet mastery :p) and also added more information to the OP and to the description page on Nexus.

I couldnt play the Enchanter as it doesnt come up on the DAIL mod and was keen to try it and another pet mastery so i care i guess.

It credits you for the Enchanter on the loading screens and I think ‘cool but its not there?’, problem is a good chunk of DAIL is taken up with TQ masteries that dont think many play as they are too weak. theres also a lack of caster masteries on the new mods

thanks your hard work

Enchanter = priest on dail

Is Grove Keeper’s Radiance of Life supposed to give acid/poison bonuses to pets now? Just want to make sure it’s intended and not a merge issue with DAIL, as I really liked it when it was a Vitality bonus to combo with Necromancer :(.

Yes, all Vitality damage replaced with Acid&Poison several versions ago to play nice with Grove Keeper’s own pet and other masteries’ skills (vanilla and this mod’s 3 additional masteries). Regarding Frost Knight, all skills that you mentioned in DAIL thread don’t exist anymore. I haven’t checked DAIL for quite a long time, and honestly after reading your post, I’m scared to do so.

Yeah, something clearly went wrong with his merging of your mod. His Grove Keeper doesn’t even have a pet!

is there a easy way to change numbers in playerlevels.dbr? the mod offers source files to download too but i cant get it to work ingame after building the mod with assetmanager.exe. :undecided:

I don’t think so, you have to re-build your mod for any changes you’ve made to take effect.

I have been playing around with your mod for awhile and I like it.
I have several suggestions if your still into it.

Sure, always open for suggestions.

I would like to see the pickup range for stuff increased or gear granting that.

As far as the Forrest Warden in addition to the spot heal skill he already has he needs AOE heal pulse buff that stays on not for 10 sec but each pulse uses spirit so unless you have insane regen it will be depleated fast.

second the wardens pet fairie it needs to be more pixie like and not a person unless you dont have the ability to make one in the game a white bird maybe then? And Fairies are small like dragonflies size …not a human size

the fairie sound effect for her casts is VERY annoying after awhile. and she is too bright.

the warden should be able to buff himself/pets/people with spells that stay on for example a buff to ward poison or protect from frostburn or fire the ones i have seen only last like 10 sec would like to seen them stay on and be using spirit all the time so in theory you could have 10 buffs running for 10 sec or 1 buff running forever

That way the warden must choose his buffs and heals and when to start and or stop them lest he run out of spirit and be a meat bag

and the buff should be irrespective of range if your in the party your buffed. to many pathing issues with pets for a 3 meter range

would like to see all the shrines unlocked on all the levels and maybe give 2 devotion points or somthing

just some thoughts