Dawn of Heroes

First i thing the mod is great it shows a ton of work, I call the class a Forrest Warden or Druid but thats just me.

I would like to see the pickup range for stuff in creased or gear granting that.

As far as the Grove keeper/ Forrest Warden he needs more healing spells in addition to those he needs a AOE heal pulse buff that stays on not for 10 sec but each pulse uses spirit so unless you have insane regen it will be depleated fast.

second the wardens pet fairie it needs to be more pixie like and not a person unless you don’t have the ability to make one in the game a white bird maybe then? the fairie sound effect for her casts is VERY annoying after awhile. and she is too bright.

the warden should be able to buff himself/pet /people with spells that stay on for example a buff to ward poison or frostburn i the ones i have seen only last like 10 sec. So in theory he could have 10 buffs going for 10 sec or 1 or 2 going all the time depending on the situation. This way he has to pick and choose when to start or stop the buffs lest he run out of spirit and become a meat bag.

And the buffs should be irrespective of distance there are far to many pathing issues for a 3m range so if your in the party your buffed

I would also like to see all the shrines unlocked on all the levels but that is just me.

just some thoughts


Im playing your compilation for a good amount of time now. I think a lot of people care about this mod, it just doesn’t always seem like it. I prefer this one over DAIL. Imo DAIL is just too much. You have all the stuff that is necessary. I like it! I really hope you don’t completely give it up, I would really love to see this Mod growing in the future…

If you don’t want to continue I still would like to thank you for your work. Appreciated!

So far,

I didn’t say I gave up on this mod, what I meant is that I won’t update the mod’s thread here on GD Forums since there’s no feedback anyway, so I assumed nobody gives a fuck. But I’m still working on this mod, as long as I’m interested. New class in the latest version + bunch of other things.

Just want to confirm, but I’m guessing the Icy Flows isn’t supposed to cap at 10/8 even if you have +10 to Frost Knight skills right? Just noticed this in DAIL, another bug to add to the long list of issues your masteries have in their port to that mod.

Of course, no. Each skill has 10 additional levels.

there is a way to play the class with DAIL mod?

Nope, no more slots for masteries in DAIL.

I would like to see the pickup range for stuff in creased or gear granting that.

I believe the range is hardcoded and cannot be increased with modding tools.

As far as the Grove keeper/ Forrest Warden he needs more healing spells in addition to those he needs a AOE heal pulse buff that stays on not for 10 sec but each pulse uses spirit so unless you have insane regen it will be depleated fast.

The Grove Keeper already has a targeted aoe healing, wide-range aoe healing, stationary aoe healing, and minor aoe healing on each attack. I don’t think theres any need for extra healing spells.

second the wardens pet fairie it needs to be more pixie like and not a person unless you don’t have the ability to make one in the game a white bird maybe then? the fairie sound effect for her casts is VERY annoying after awhile. and she is too bright.

I’m not a 3D modeller, nor there are any ‘modder resource’ models available, so I can only use the game’s content, and I couldn’t find anything else that suits my needs. The sound effect is removed, and I’ll see what I can do with pet’s brightness.

the warden should be able to buff himself/pet /people with spells that stay on for example a buff to ward poison or frostburn i the ones i have seen only last like 10 sec. So in theory he could have 10 buffs going for 10 sec or 1 or 2 going all the time depending on the situation. This way he has to pick and choose when to start or stop the buffs lest he run out of spirit and become a meat bag.

And the buffs should be irrespective of distance there are far to many pathing issues for a 3m range so if your in the party your buffed

In v3.2, there are 3 buffs available with pretty much wide area of effect (18-20 meter).

I would also like to see all the shrines unlocked on all the levels but that is just me.


just some thoughts

Thanks for feedback.

Thanks for your answer & your great mod.

You are welcome. Btw, I see no questions XD

Shameless bump. Guess I should just add it to my book marks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Endorsed on Nexus. Found the mod here so thought I’d say I’ve put in many hours into the mod.

Mod’s a lot of fun, thanks for the hard work!


Just tested the Grove Keeper a bit. Would it be possible to reduce the width of the graphic effect of the border of “Sigil of Might”. It is very graphics heavy and if it just could be way thinner it would still be easy to see where it is and less hide monsters underneath it.

Also some Frost Knight auras/graphics are really intense and you would make me super happy if you could make them a bit more “subtle”.

Frost Knight “Deathly Pall” is placed one column to far to the left: I understand its likely that it is positioned there to signal its modifier state, but wouldn’t it still be better if it would have been placed in the correct column? Maybe shift Rime to level 5 and “Deathly Pall” to 10. This wouldn’t be a horrible balance change and fix the graphical problem.

Are there plans to balance the Frost Knight? There are various builds floating around the net which show how extremly OP the Ice Block currently is. I really like your mod and just wished there was further polishing :slight_smile: I don’t know how up to date thos videos are so maybe this was already done?

DAIL 57: The Ice Revenant is bugged and stands still without animation. It had worked before but now it suddenly does not anymore.

Oops, I really forgot to check this thread before releasing a new version… I’ll look into these issues in the next version, then.

PS: Ice Revenant not working is DAIL specific issue, it works fine in this mod.
PPS: Also, I’m aware of the Ice Block being OP, I tweaked it a bit in v3.5.

Edit: Actually, I figured out what the problem is, for some reason loot table record lt_shield_c01.dbr has tdyn_blunt1h_c01.dbr entry starting from level 8, but there’s no DW animation for revenants. If someone have told me that it stands in T-pose with TWO 1h weapons, I’d have fixed it long ago…

Can i ask how updating to the new version of the mod works? do i just replace it with the one i have or do i have to start over?. Btw awesome mod.

Just install the new version on top, you definitely don’t have to start over after updating.

Edit : nvm you stated pet bug source

I just added to anm set. Maybe DW would be a cool change later

Yup, I know. Did you miss my post about it?

Ya, Derpy is a bit slow today.

Thank you!