Dawn of Masteries

So there is no World of Warcraft mod for Grim Dawn

no, it would be an undertaking to produce one, too

for instance; frost mage

shatter combo you would have to have fbolt have a 15% chance on hit to -100% movespeed and -80%(?) DA for the crit, just one rough example for 1 skill, of 1 class.

and youd have to be a masochist to recreate azeroth lol.

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And purely from a class perpective, everything that is humanly possible to do in GD engine is already done.

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If there any reddit, forum post, googledoc or something with builds for DoM?
The amount of possiblities is so insanely overwheling, I always feel like Iā€™m doing something wrong or at least not good :wink:

Not here. Youā€™d want the Grimarilion & DoM discord for that. Thereā€™s a build-guide section in there.

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I seem to be getting Divine Balorā€™s Eye as a drop very frequently, like every few minutes. And even at low levels. Is this some sort of bug?

Given that this is a TQ item and not in any loot table Iā€™d say this is pretty much impossible.

lol I promise you I am not making it up :slight_smile:

Reinstall the mod, this is impossible in the mod, just double checked.

Anyone know any good class combos with terror knight, riftstalker, spirit, and just any class combos in general (Iā€™m new to the mod).

I have re-installed the mod and it is still happening.
Since you say it is a TQ item, does that mean that I should report it to the TQ author?

No, the loot tables are mine. Since it is not in it there is nothing I can do though, also not sure how this would even be possibleā€¦

I didnā€™t say I didnā€™t believe you, I said I have no idea how this is possible :wink: which also means I have no idea how to prevent thisā€¦anyone else having this issue ?

How might I be able to help you diagnose this issue?

Is that a weapon ?
@mamba Monster can wield weapons and they drop outside lootables if they exist in the database. Maybe some monsters are equipped with TQ lootable weapons.

For that a monster would need to have the item in its tables and that is not the case either. I donā€™t think the mod even includes any monsters (besides the D3 bosses in SR), so they all are their vanilla versions.

The item is a ring.

I guess he has Draupner equipped, though it should be spawning Draupner, not Balorā€™s Eye.

Asylum, you might be right. I had Draupner equipped as well as Andvaranaut, both rings.
One of them must be bugged or something and only drops the one item repeatedly?

Itā€™s not a bug but it is dropping the wrong item