Death by exposure makes a long awaited return in the new patch

I wonder if there’s a hidden social awkwardness stat that makes it so some villagers would rather freeze to death than knock on a strangers door.

I think you have the same issue what i have?

Yea, this is definitely the root cause. I don’t really mind the role that clothes play though, it’s more that they won’t take shelter and will instead just keep travelling till they die. I have watched them walking along the road past half empty shelters with a nice warm fire on the hearth, natural selection at work I guess.

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A fast fix for this is to let last longer the worn out clothes and shoes. So when they traveling from the edge of the map to youre town. That is atleast the distances the worn out stuff dont give a exposure penalty. Then the issue is solved i think.

Oh my lord, that should be a canon thing now XD

Jokes aside, I can imagine in actual medieval times most wouldn’t have tried that out of fear being killed on the spot by the home owner for begging.