Demolitionist Ammo Modification

Hi all.

Introduce mod that changes Fire Strike branch to Ammo modification branch. That skills are present in game files but wasn’t included in final Demolitionst mastery. Also added Lighting Charge skill - powerful lightning grenade.
Extra bonus: Arcanist’s Ice Wall (Olexra’s barier).

Sorry for my bad English and good luck.

Download mod

This icons looks…ehh…awkward.

What do the skills actually do? Modify them into what?

This is original ingame icons.

Main skill: +% physical dmg, +50% projectile speed
1st modifier: + flat fire dmg, AoE radius
2nd modifier: +more flat fire dmg, chance of stun & knockdown.
There is not modified Fire strike, there is replaced skills. They havn’t own description and don’t gain +fire strike (etc.) item bonus.