Demonslayer WH showcase - 364k DPS unbuffed/unbannered/unprocced - 170 stomper

Looks like everyday there’s a new PB build out there… time for a little nerf perhaps?

PB doesn’t need a nerf. Demonslayer set does. Would be okay if they decreased projectile bonus from 2 to 1.

Or added a castspeed nerf to the weapon.

That being said, the witchhunter really is one of the most underwhelming classes to play. I for one am glad that it does so well with DS.

Nah, I will just share it here:

200k poison ticks in dummy, 400k poison ticks in crucible with damage buff + vanguard banner.

Still undergoing improvement while also polishing my piloting skills in crucible.

Loving this build since I already had PB Witch Hunter which is very similar.
For anyone who is browsing this thread here is the link I am referring too:

Sir Spank still waiting for you to update alternative gearing options since those 4 MI greens are little unrealistic specially for new players or someone who doesn’t have correct affix
Also I do think Maticore is necessary

Hey man! I’ll do some testing on cheaper item alternatives, but that might take awhile.

And yes, manticore is DEFINITELY a must in this build (no idea why I didn’t think of that in the 1st place. Then again, that’s why I’m not fluff :P)

Will update OP with a more refined BiS’d spec soon though.

And this is what I’m rocking with:

With Hungering Void active the dps per blade is ~50,200, I think it goes up a bit with battle cry, but haven’t caught the value while it’s active. So that gives me 300K dps and so far it’s carved up every nemesis encountered, with the vanilla ones done without using any resistance/regen pots.

Nice setup.

But I’m curious as to why you swapped out DS amulet for eye of beronath. The +2 projectiles is just sooooo tasty.

Surely you don’t need the OA? :rolleyes:

You have also dumped 2 excessive points into PB

Made some slight changes to your skill point distribution/devotions - just something to consider. ^^

P.S. Voidheart or cursebearer is almost certainly better than the cronley ring you’ve got going on there.

P.P.S Is it cool if I modified your link, and include it in my guide as a very viable, and more accessible build option?

as sir spanks mentioned 2 blades is too good to pass up especially at close encounters when all of them shotguns. in fact in using dm, your dps will be near 500k territory .:cool:

I personally haven’t been able to crack 460k sheet DPS.

I wonder how a vit based PB build will do with spectral arbalest.

Energy management is going to be a bitch, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the DPS rockets to 600-700k.


Go for it!

As for why I went with the Eye of Beronath for the amulet, I find it too hard to pass up the +1 to all skills, since that provides me with more skill points to use. While Cronley’s ring is there for the pierce resistance (only 16% over-caped), might swap out the pants (via GD Stash crafting) though since aether resistance is at 76% over-cap.

And you can never have enough OA :stuck_out_tongue: Especially when with that much OA I’m getting crits of 80K off one blade when all debuffs and procs are on. Might have to try killing Ravager with it actually, after chucking on the 3% DA Mogdrogen’s Ardor relic of course. And removing those two surplus points from PB so I can dump them into Veil of Shadows for much needed enemy OA debuff.

Just try out demonslayer and see how it feels. The skill we use 99% of the time with this spec is PB.

IMO, it therefore makes sense to give it as many bonuses as possible, even at the cost of +1 to other skills and OA.

Budget version of the PB WH is up!

Can confirm - my version of this build can kill Lokar with relative ease.

Sure, it can’t face tank him, but few builds can and the kill time was under 1 minute so I is happy.

Have you tried running the DS amulet and a cursebearer ring yet?

Nah, I’m pretty happy with where’s it at, at the moment.

Might change it for Crucible, but I really need to clear out the shared stash completely again before that.

UNLIKE him :wink:

Also , here is my version of demonslayer WH , coincidentally, or greatminds thinking alike, we both decided to use Blood orb of Cthoon. LOL

video : haven’t got time to polish it yet, just make sure it’s gladiator viable.

my GT:
As having been the great philosophy of a lot of Chinese builds, No MIs…

Edit 1: my original post
Edit 2: Always loved how you therocraft a build, it appears your methology varies from ours.

Thank you , that’s exactly what I meant.

There are several WH based builds coming out in my community recently. The poison version of WH is definitely one of the hardest to pilot, whereas bleeding type is much easier.

Also I’d like to take the chance to point out, whenever we voice hard or easy, it’s actually basing on one fact that No MI gears included. So many MI gears are game changers, but their attainablility is far far beyond reach, unless it’s purchasable from the shops.

Also neither acid and poison melee or casting tpye of builds have ever been popular in my community, nor here basing on my observation. It’s not impossible, just very hard for a lot of players to handle when they come to the ultimate difficulty or the gladiator. They will need to spend more effort to achieve something uncertain.

I don’t meant to be an ass but why is poison WH hard to pilot? Why harder than other squishy chars with great class synergy . I’m really not seeing it:eek:

You’re a tier above most people when it comes to piloting chars :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember saying that Deathguard Reaper is a bitch to pilot and you were just “I don’t mid the piloting” :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a bit nasty back in 0.2 when I was using nidalla’s outbreak to spread murmur but dropping it, making a AA hybrid more streamlined makes such a big difference.

Reaper has less poison synergy than WH no matter how you want to build him. That is why i’m surprised.

Pre AoM WH was considered just too good in general