Desireability Warning on Pastery Shop

I receive warnings about desirability. When I click the magnifying glass, it highlights my Pastry


The pastry shop requires at least 50% (IIRC) desirability, despite not being a house.

The notification persisted even after I had moved the offending buildings, and the Pastry Shop was in the “purple”.
I ended up having to demolish the building and rebuild it in order to stop getting the notification.

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Do you have a save of that game from before your fix? I’d like to take a look if you do. Thanks!

I do have a save. How shall I send to you?
V/r Eric

Hi Eric,

Saves are located in:

C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Saved Games\Farthest Frontier\Save

Zip up the entire TownName_###### folder along with the .map file and .sav that reproduces the issue. If the files are too big, please share with your file sharing service of choice (such as Google Drive, etc), or email [email protected].


Thanks for sending that in. Upon loading that saved game, I noticed that most houses had very low-desirability values even though they were in desirable areas. Villager desirability happiness was 9%. Though there is an attempt to calculate desirability at load time, there is/was a long-standing issue with it, causing the low (9% value). Letting your game run, desirability is calculated after a month of gameplay and the problem fixes itself. Desirability also gets recalculated if a new building is constructed. Your game didn’t have a new building being constructed for that whole month, so there is a fairly long stretch where your desirability rating was very low when it shouldn’t have been. I just committed a fix for that long-standing bug such that desirability is now properly calculated at game start. I’m not sure this is the issue you were seeing, but it seems like it might be. That fix will be in the next update. You can see all the buildings that are incorrectly marked as low desirability (the red markers here):

And you can see the 9% desirability rating for villagers here before the fix:

And now with the fix, desirability for villagers is 100%, like is should be: