[Dev]Grim Dawn v1006 Mainline MOD collection

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Grim Dawn v1.0.0.6 Hotfix 1 Mainline MOD collectio - Yandex
Grim Dawn v1.0.0.6 Hotfix 1 Mainline MOD collectio - MEGA

Ntroduction and installation diagram:

Tip: If you want to play online via Steam, both parties must have the same MOD can.

Attachment: runspeed.jpg
Attachment: saltbag.jpg

cant extract the *.rar file, its incomplete :confused: reupload pls

Yandex add a link, please try to download.

alright, working! thx. tested it, rly cool! :slight_smile: dont pull too much of em is a good idea xD nicely done

Hi, how to use stasher mod with crucible?
do i need to extract worldmapxxx??? and put where?

small suggestion, put the effect from “goodlooking” on the starter amulet instead of “instant caravan”, makes more sense :slight_smile: so we can use it along with “grimmarillion” or “dail” :slight_smile: then in addition maybe more spawns in the “old grove” would be totally awesome, maybe a devo shrine aswell :slight_smile: hf

This contains the source data
in fact, the installation of the posts MOD collection has been in the crucible work.


Thanks for your advice, but to be honest, do you mean I do not entirely understand.

the itemskill on the starteramulet i mean, if you put itemskill from “goodlookingmod” on that, we could make use of it in softmods too, cause for example “grimmarillion” modifies the vendortable aswell so you cant get the goodlooking mod item from vendor in softmod, just with workaround via vanilla char copied over while carrying that item :confused: when you start new char on modsite you get that starter amulet with “instant caravan”, but no need for that cause there is a caravan in every city :smiley: but “goodlooking” aka transmogrificationvendor isn’t anywhere else with this mod, so simply put that itemskill on that starteramulet leads to usage of it in softmods :slight_smile: testet it alrdy with “grimmarillion” and i think that is the only small conflict so far


i installed the mod collection , but it doesnt have crucible map, only mainmenu.map (small square map) & worldmap1 (main campaign)

i think i have to modify some files in :\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\survivalmode\database\SurvivalMode.arz and
:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\survivalmode\resources
but i dont know what and where

I tried copy folders database, resources, source from stasher v5 to folder survivalmode but it doesnt wo

Crucible is another independent MOD official sale.
the collection does not contain.

ok so what should i edit?
to get the picture like yours

You do not need to edit, as long as you properly installed the MOD collection, and purchased crucible DLC, selected from the crucible into the game mode is one such.

This is interesting MOD. I would like to know the author and details of MapMOD.
Does MapMod make basic speed quick?

This MOD is not put in “Grim Dawn\mods” folder like other MODs but changes the original files. So, before installing this, you should back up original files.

MapMOD author me, it’s just an exercise works.
Since English is not good, so I can not explain in detail the production process for you, sorry.

Here is a text Tutorial:

But unfortunately, I totally do not understand what he was talking about.:o

Thank you for your reply. Have you announced your MapMod by this forum? Although I looked for it, I was not found.

And one more question.
It seems that the cap of speed and a level is raised greatly. How many are those maximums?

This MOD does not change the speed of the original game and the level cap.

It’s strange. The Run Speed of fresh character is not 100 (original) but 135%.
And the character of your screen shot is lv100… some accident?

check the starter amulet… :slight_smile:

My character revised level, It is used to do the MOD test.

You initial velocity is because wearing the “salt bag” necklace.

:rolleyes: ok?

I understood. And I have not noticed that it was an effect of salt bag. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Sorry to keep bothering you, one more question. What does the quadrangle of this pink (■■■*) mean?