Dev Stream

You know it and I know it ibugsy, but el critico … Don’t think it’s gotten through to him/her yet. Big Z tells us what he wants us to know when he wants us to know it and not before. Be patient, all good things come to those who wait - and wait - and wait - and …


I will have to watch the stream after work and see how many times people request certain monsters to be pets :wink:

O, hey, I gonna miss the stream again because of work. Life’s great. :slight_smile:

I sometimes hate my life.

Well, at least it’s recorded so you can catch up later. Would be even worse if it wasn’t! :eek:

Watching live is better, because you can ask stupid questions like “two handed shields when?”. I can’t do that in a VOD. :frowning:

One of the spoilers today included a couple Tier 3 Constellations…

Feast your eyes upon Azrakaa and Yugol!

Azrakaa, the Eternal Sands
“Azrakaa, the eternal companion of Aeon, crafts the very sands with which the keeper of time decides the fates of mortals. She is his consort, and most trusted advisor, often tempering Aeon’s harsh judgment and offering solace to the mortals she cherishes.”

Yugol, the Insatiable Night
“When Empyrion’s light first spread beyond creation, the gods discovered that a great darkness sweltered within the nothingness. It had but one name: Yugol. Yugol’s insatiable hunger threatens to consume all that the primordials had painstakingly crafted, its advance thwarted only by the merciful light of a thousand thousand stars.”

Yugol, eh? Sounds like something much more dangerous than Chthon is out there. I wonder if it’s too late to change my forum handle :rolleyes:

Perhaps Yugol is the counterpart from what Ch’thon used to be.

When Grava was picking his character you could see a character as a “Sentinel” Mastery!

Yugol is very lovecraftian, it reminds Azathoth

I am on holiday so not at home . I hope that others can provide screens.:stuck_out_tongue:

This reminded me of that monster from Sacred:

I very much doubt that either Lovecraft or Sacred was the inspiration for this being. It is pretty evident to me that someone in the Crate team is watching the highest quality of hentai. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yugol is cold/acid and Azrakaa is physical/pierce but it might as well be pure pierce. Azrakaa has a very similar affinity to Unknown Soldier except for the 8 blue. I can see pretty much every pierce build picking these two up.

I mean, I didn’t mean I think it’s inspired by that, just the devotion reminded me of that monster, nothing more. :stuck_out_tongue: Would be funny if that was actually the inspiration, I doubt it was, though.

It’s Sentinel.
Pack your bags, pack your wallets, pack your children, it’s coming.

Also… CaptainMurica. Shield further confirmed.

>TFW Throwing Shield

would be interested to know if sentinel is the stand alone class name or an actual combination. Still I have tiny bit of hope left that the paladin spirit is still alive somewhere inside Zantai’s merciful heart :undecided:

Seems to be the name of a mastery combination and not the name of the stand alone mastery. Most likely with Soldier.

I have always theorized that Sentinel was changed to Tactician because The Sentinel is the name of the boss of the Temple of the Three. My guess is that they didn’t want to repeat names for major things. Guess that’s thrown out of the window because AoM has Spellbreakers, the name of the combination of Nightblade and Arcanist.

My guess is that they actually decided to save the name Sentinel for a future mastery combination, implying that the new mastery has been thought of even before AoM was released.

The black legion chick who sends you on a mission to clear the mine with aether floor was a spellbreaker. AoM only introduced enemy spellbreakers.

I feel like next dev update will be the “official” reveal of the the new class.