Dev Stream

yes! i missed the last 2 streams due to circumstances

For those who missed the streams a quick sum up:

Stream 1:
Grava started a new character on veteran mode to prove himself worthy to the community, and asked the viewers to decide his class and how to build the character. Zantai in his helpfull manner promised the Loyalist Edition to whoever harasses Grava the most, causing the “help” Grava got from the viewers to be somewhat suspicious. The Ponycorn was revealed to be one of the new classes and it has a rainbow AOE skill that goes through the entire map killing everything.

Stream 2:
Grava gave a sneak peek to the new roguelike dungeon coming in patch, which was great. What wasn’t great for him was the fact it’s apparently a lvl50 dungeon and his highest character was lvl40 coughsomewhat less than ideally buildcough blademaster. Zantai’s Loyalist Edition harassment campaign was also still on, so the bets were pretty badly against Grava. What ensued was hilarity, screaming, possible panic attack and lots of running away. But somehow, against all odds and defying death multiple times, Grava summoned his inner Randy Savage and got further than anyone expected. Until his luck ran out. Zantai went and declared himself as the winner of his competition, proving his bullyness unmatched.

MAN, I wished I could have been there… but yea… first time grava streaming I had to work and last night I had to go to a funeral :frowning:

That would be wonderful!

Thanks to everyone who came to hang out during the last stream and big thanks to those who “helped”.

It’s official, all future streams will be archived.

Through day and night I trod deftly, following the old road as it churned and wound its way over desolate countryside. Past the grove of chestnut trees deepening within the bowels of the deadwood, over stream, under hill, to the festering nest where the dark one lay his grim seed… I finally located the single checkbox labeled “automatically archive broadcasts”.

Next time… Sandwich!

I’m holding you to this.

What kind of sandwich? I’m fond of our local cafeterias in south florida here, Cuban sandwiches or medianoche (midnight club) are mmm

Your dedication is much appreciated! Thanks! LOL!

No stream today, sorry about that guys.

We’ll pick up where we left off on Monday at 2pm.

:eek: can’t express my sadness

Grava is going to try to make an epic sandwich!

Hey, thanks again for hanging out.

If you get a chance hit up the twitch page and let me know if you see the archive in there. I don’t see it. It doesn’t appear to have worked.

I don’t see anything :frowning:

Does it take some time for twitch to make videos of streams available?

Nope, it is archived to twitch in real time. Grava probably forgot to save changes.

Hm, automatic archives have been enabled, so not sure why that’s not working…

The first few seconds test try did get archived, but disappeared during the main stream. Since you intend to make these streams a running thing, throwing out some ideas I’d like to see in the future:

  • A roguelike dungeon run.
  • Crucible. Bets on how far you can go!
  • Titan Quest. With stories from your days in Iron Lore. Especially the embarrassing ones

How to watch a video, a new roguelike dungeon??? Pure, this video is interested to look at all that there??? Throw off the link please!!!

Stream today at 2pm. Archiving is working now.

The missing video is my fault after all. I did a test stream minutes before we launched yesterday to make sure it archived. I deleted that right before I launched at 2pm but Twitch didn’t recognize them as two different streams because they were too close together!

Today Zantai tries to murder me on my way back to DC and maybe we play some coop.

Yay! [What time is that in UTC? :undecided:]

Looking forward to it! Just put a cork in that cat before you start! :stuck_out_tongue: