Devastation Idea(s) - Spell Targeting Customization

So Devastation got a little power boost in play test:

Devastation: increased Aether damage scaling with rank and reduced Cooldown to 15s

which is cool as it tends to be a one-pointer for my Arcanist builds. While I don’t think the buff moves the needle too much, some of the related discussion on this recent thread got me thinking about ways it could be further improved.

So here’s the idea - what about giving the caster some optionality with how this spell hits.

Keep the static targeting like it is now as 1 option, but add a second targeting option where Devastation would automatically target the caster as the center of the storm and move with them. A third option could be the standard ranged targeting, but then have the center move toward the caster in a straight line over time which would add utility by following the enemies that tend to rush and cluster the caster. Perhaps even the speed to center on caster could be adjusted too.

Anyway, spell targeting customization seems like it’d be opening up a can of worms as I think there’d be interest in getting this kind of customization applied more broadly than with just Devastation. But I really like the idea of giving more utility to spells like this in order to support more playstyles and builds. Besides, applying video game logic, a high level wizard/Arcanist should be able to figure out how to manipulate their spell a bit for maximum effect.

If spell targeting customization been discussed before, apologies in advance for treading over old ground here.


Yeah, this is a very interesting way of customising spells. But I don’t think it’s going to happen. Balancing these various options would be a lot of work, and imagine the uproar if Crate did it for one skill only.

100%, it’s a can of worms for sure. However, I don’t think the outcry would be too bad if they applied the same kind of targeting optionality to other builds as well where it makes sense.

The other thing to point out is it’s not like spell target customization would be a big change in terms of additional power. More just making use of DPS that already exists as potential, but is going to waste by hitting less enemies due to a default targeting and play-style mismatch.

Yes, probably way more work than simply tweaking the damage tiers or cooldown on a spell. It’d be pretty cool though, can’t imagine who wouldn’t like more combat customization to help min/max their optimum play-style.

Myself, I would pay for a “Grim Dawn: Advanced Tactics” Patch or expansion with these kinds of improvements. Unlike to happen yes, but just putting the idea out to the community for consideration.