Devotion skill procs off a lot

thinking that if a skill affects another skill it will proc devotion skills. i was trying for the Krieg achievement. only attack skill i think i had was stun jacks. i had the two passives in Demolitionist as well. flame touched and vindictive flames. along with the Tsunami devotion skill attached to stun jacks. the Tsunami skill was clearly proccing multiple times. Even when i wasn’t using stun jacks and no stun jacks were present

not 100% certain, but i hypothesize that Tsunami was activating when i first used stun jacks, again when the stun jacks were set off by an enemy. it was also clearly only being activated by by Krieg proccing vindictive flames

not certain what is going on here. just know it looks like it might be useful for some really interesting stuff, and plan to look into it further. just so much changes over time with this game. i might not be able to easily find out if this is something that was patch in, or is widely known

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Not known and also hard to believe :stuck_out_tongue:

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that’s why i found it so interesting. i’ve never played in a way that would make something like that so clear. and it wasn’t like it was going off every time. it was just going off for multiple reasons. when i thought it only had a single chance of going off. i’m still not certain if it had a chance of going off for each stun jack

i’ve always been massively interested in how skill work and interact. even how different parts of a skill affect other parts and this has been a awesome experience. learning a system has a added layer of complexity

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Yes, Stun Jacks can proc multiple Tsunamis. Not really a bug.

Tsunami has a 1second cooldown, lower than that if you have some CDR on your off-hand (or other slots).
Stun Jacks leaves small electric charge on the ground which stays for a bit longer than a second.
If an enemy steps on that, it can also proc the devotion again, after the first cooldown has expired.

So you can realistically get a Tsunami proc every 0.8 seconds, which might look like multiple Tsunamis going off from the same cast.

Also: Yes, each projectile checks for a devotion proc, so with 8+ projectiles, you are nearly guaranteed to trigger any given devotion. But only one Tsunami should be going off from the throw, then after the cooldown expires another may start.


what Honorabru says is right
the key part for a proc is the devo cooldown vs skill’s “duration” or delayed activation that can then cause chains
you can have the same happen from ex inquis runes because a single rune explodes into either multiple fragments/spines or simply capable of touching multiple enemies at separate times/intervals
this is in fact something to be considered/that we use when thinking about which skills we assign to devos, to maximize potential procs