I seem to remember a mod allowing the player the option to bind multiple devotion skills to one ability, say stacking both Tsunami and Aetherfire to Primal Strike, or Giant’s Blood and Healing Rain to Maiven’s Sphere of Protection. I can’t find the mod nor can I find the setting in the asset manager, checked the records for devotions in the UI and skills folders. Anyone have any ideas? Or am I remembering a fever dream?
I’m not a modder, but when AoM was released there was this bug that made multiple devotion skills trigger from damage auras like Aura of Censure or the Seal of Blades skill. Crate quickly fixed it because obviously it wasn’t the intended behaviour.
Not possible to bind multiple devotions to one skill.
Ah yes, that’s what I’m remembering. The last time I took a splash into the mod scene was right around that time. Thanks for putting my mind at ease.