Devotions and assigning skills to skills

Just want to check on this as I’m trying to work out exactly which skills I can assign Devotion skills to with my Demolitionist.

I’m assuming the small + on a skill indicates that a Devotion can be attached to it, is that correct? Because when I look at a synergy skill like Explosive Strike which has that + that option isn’t available in the Devotions section. Only the primary attack skills appear as options. If the + doesn’t mean that, what is it for?

Am I missing something or should the game show the appropriate synergies too? :confused: I’m trying to get it straight in my head because I’m running out of attack skills (Fire Strike, BWC and Canister Bomb) so only have Vindictive Flame and Blast Shield otherwise so may need to try for more defensive Devotion options that don’t need to be attached to any skill.

The little + means it’s not maxed, and you can put points into it.

Devotions only work with certain types of skills, afaik there are something like two types of devotions: the kind that procs from a buff by on hit/block/low hp stuff (turtle/crab/boar), and the kind that procs from dealing damage/critting/killing (falcon/tempest/revenant).

The first type, on hit type devotion skills can only be applied to buffs (timed or permanent), the second type can be applied to almost any ‘attack’ skill. Modifiers and passives are completely exempt from this and can never be applied as a devotion skill.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re asking though…

Are you sure? Because I’ve got maxed Canister Bomb and Vindictive Flame (14 & 17 respectively with plus skills) and they both have +. Ulzuin’s Chosen and Flame Touched/Tempest (13, 11 & 11) are also maxed and don’t have a +.

Pretty sure.

Okay … that’s officially weird. Because when I was checking my Demo earlier all the skills in white boxes had that + against them. And now they don’t. :confused:

When they would have I assume will been when you had skill points to distribute. You don’t now so they are not marked.

As far as I can see, most if not all of those skills in a square can still have points put into them making a few assumptions here and there for things like 17/16 Vindictive Flame having a collective +2 bonus to it or higher.

Um, possibly as I think I did have a reward skill point to spend. But I have Vindictive and Canister Bomb maxed and can’t put any points into them.

Still, it seems the + is not tied to Devotion possibilities which is what I wanted to know. Back to GrimCalc to try some different options.