Devs smart choices

GD Developers did really smart choices with this game. Pointing them out:

Wrist friendly
Back in Diablo 2, you had to click to move, click to attack, click to collect gold, click to collect potions. So much not needed clicking. Devs streamlined this by allowing you to hold down the mouse button to do all of that.

Inventory organization
The button to auto organize the inventory is very appreciated. It did not detract the original inventory and helps the player have it more organized.

Free portals
Forgetting to buy portals for town was really annoying, it meant you had to backtrack all the way to town or die, plus another slot taken in your inventory. Free portals is much better since it allows players to quickly move around and teleport to where other players are.

No gigantic maps
If you played Sacred 2 (and most mmorpgs in general), you know how gigantic the map is and how much time it took to explore everything… or ever going from point A to point B. Lots of wasted time walking. GD maps allows some exploration, but not overwhelm you with big empty open areas.

No excessive fetch quests
GD has very few fetch quests and they are somewhat reasonable (no collect 50 wolf pelts) and even the initial kill quests (kill 15 zombie soldiers/mutants) are reasonable in the sense you do not need to grind in order to complete them, just play the game and you will complete them when you least expect.

No backtracking
GD doesn’t force you to backtrack to fetch a new quest to continue the game… you can kill the warden without getting any quest, go back to town to report and people will act surprised (!) that you did what they wanted before they even asked you to do so.

No useless caves
GD does not throw dungeon/caves at you without any reason. You can almost always expect it to have a mini-boss, chest, shrine or all of them inside a cavern.

This are a few positive developer choices for this game. They did not detract from the game, rather make it more enjoyable overall.

This is my favorite. I love the dialogue for having the quest done already in some cases.

Kek. The vast MMO-sized map of Sacred 2 is it’s main selling point, by far. Exploring it is the reason I haven’t insta-thrown Sacred 2 into trash can.
Actually, GD feels small. I’m pretty sure even TQ has bigger world.

Just to mention another smart choice - the devs made the map so that there are locations where they will easily be able to expand the map by adding new areas. Like the torn down bridge at the front gate in Devil’s Crossing.
Crate still is a small indy developer team, but I’m sure they will expand the map with time.

the first thing you mention, hold click has gotten me killed quite a few times. usually my fault, but sometimes not.

U can always use classic targetting in the option if u prefer so.

All in all, GD is a pretty good game.

if it only didn’t crash so often on superclocked cards even though the temp is not even over 50C.

I would actually like an option to collect components automatically same as iron. Wondering why it is still not in the game.

But is a Game like Grim-Dawn meant to be explored? Sorry, no, thats why i highely disagree with you. If i imagine an Diablo 2 with such an big World, which offered Sacred 2, than it would compeltly kill the core/flow of the Game. Exploring, which is fun in some kind of Game, in other Games it can distract you from its purpose. I mean, you Sacred Fans should know it better. With Sacred 3 Deep Silver tried to catch the feeling of Diablo. Even though BOTH are in the same Genre, both of them aim for a different target audience and have a different core. So yeah, his answere is a smart choice.

I have played so much Games, and i can claim that “as an fact” neither an “small world” nor an “big world” is the better thing. The only really important point is, how it fits the Game itself. (like Linear vs Open World) In Sacred 1/2 which was less in combat and fast-gameplay-flow(compared to Diablo), but more focused as well in Exploration, its obviously that it a bigger map is needet. But that doesn’t mean it also apply to Grim Dawn, and that also don’t mean its a dumb choice. Its like he said a Smart Choice, because it fits better the Game…

So no, you aren’t correct either, because thats a thing which up to taste, not about fact. A bigger map don’t make a better game, its the opposite, if it doesn’t fits the core and you force it, it would kill the concept/game behind it.

Opinions, dude… I liked the way Sacred 2 was designated, and would love to play more games like that, as I love exploring vast areas that actually makes the world that the game takes place looks like a huge place, and not some tiny parallel universe.

Also, I love how your whole statement was made in a way that makes it looks like as if I said that the OP is wrong from thinking that way and that I’m the only one right here, when that is far from being the case, as I was just saying I disagree with him on that matter and even pointed out reasons of why I disagree with him…

In real world we call this “political suicide”.

In Sacred 1/2 which was less in combat and fast-gameplay-flow(compared to Diablo), but more focused as well in Exploration, its obviously that it a bigger map is needet. But that doesn’t mean it also apply to Grim Dawn, and that also don’t mean its a dumb choice. Its like he said a Smart Choice, because it fits better the Game…

Apples and oranges. You put it the way like gameplay flow and map size are in opposition to each other, while there’s no reason why fast paced game with big map can’t exist and be a blast to play.

That said, I don’t really want a Sacred 2 sized map in GD, but saying that current size of the world in GD is “smart choice” is pretty farfetched. It could had been twice or even thrice the size and it wouldn’t had ruined the game.