Devs : Whatever you did about crash fix in Worked for me

So i had this crash that appeared as black screen when loading areas in GD since i bought the game years ago. A momentery stutter (probably trying to load a close area), than black screen appeared and i can move my mouse around. It was rare, and tend to happen much more on SR’s. That was one of the reasons i don’t push several SR levels in one go.

Since, the game never crashed while playing, and i did a lot of 10 level streak SR’s etc. I can’t say it won’t happen, but it looks like you probably fixed something here. This is a big deal so thanks.


Since, i can now have black screens (crashes) after login logo every now and then, or sometimes even when returning to main menu (character select). There is a possibility that this might be related to Item Assistant mode since i started using that mode sometime similiar i think. But i asked on mod discord and people doesn’t seem to have problem.

Sorry that i can’t reproduce this bug and can’t really tell when it is likely to happen, but you might want to consider what changes you did in patch about the games boot.

So Main Menu crashes that never happened before, but after, crashes while in-game are gone. Crashing while playing is much worse so im quite happy, but game booting crash may be related to some change you did in

Well…make sure the issue actually occurs without any mods/utilities first!

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