Difference between "meter Radius" and "meter Target Area"?

Yeah, what’s exactly the difference? Since “meter” is not an Area and all.
I mean 4 meter radius - that’s clear. Circle, 8 meter diameter

But what’s 4 meter target area (upheaval for example)? Surely not a 4m radius circle.
Surely also not a 2m radius circle, since this leads to around 12.5 squaremeter of area - way more than “4 meter”.
1.1m radius would equal 4 square meters of area. Is it that? Cause no one would anticipate a puny 1 meter radius where it says “4 meter target area”.



i don’t know what the difference is tooltip wise, but target area and meter radius tooltip skill display the same in the skill files, i’m guessing it’s something to do with the type of skill “how/where” the skill is triggered, ie around centre of the skills (projectile) or around an object/target/player

veil of shadow

One big upheaval.

Was my impression as well. And it makes sense with Devastation for example.
m radius: size of the projectiles // m target area: area where they fall.

Maybe its just me, but i found it way less confusing having a “m radius” on Upheaval instead of target area.

Circle of Steel and ABB has the same meter area i think? both is centred around a fixed object
Other stuff, besides projectiles, might just be handled differently “because reasons”(automatically or manually?) since auras like veil is still different than a regular attack skill like ABB/Ring of Steel

ex how Blackwater Cocktail looks

which is the same how Trozan etc looks

Yeah, the argument that “m radius” are skills AROUND the player, while “m target area” are skills around somewhere else, finds quite some support.
BWC and RoS however would be an exception here.
But fair enough - if the actual size is all the same, no matter the wording, I’m fine with it. Newbies will be perplexed - once more.

RoS still still fits the rule i mentioned, being around an object/targe
where BWC is its own point of origin
and i’m then thinking Veil is mRadius because of being a buff/aura class specificalyl and not an “attack” like abb/ring of steel