Digital Map now Available through Humble

Il hope it will be included in the DLC

Out of Curiosity will you end up updating the map as expansions are released?
Just took a look and noticed that Port Valbury isn’t on there.

GOG doesn’t seem to be downloading anything. When I click on the download button it goes to a new page on the internet showing the map. :confused: I was the Boxed Deluxe Edition purchase-wise so I assume it’s included, otherwise I wouldn’t see the download link?

Why don’t you just right click and save the image? Or is it not full-size?

I guess you mean Humble Bundle. If you press the download button, the map opens in your browser. Then right-click the map and select Save image as…

Got it! Didn’t realise I needed to right-click on the image.

For those of us who did not purchase the initial loyalist edition through humble store, GOG or the Grim Dawn website, but have purchased the Loyalist Edition through Steam, can we still get the map ???

Would be nice to have.

Not a very nice birthday without the high resolution digital game map to all Loyalists.

If you got the Steam Loyalist edition then it’s not included. You instead get the Helm of the Southern General and the Admiral’s Hat which people who buy from the GD website don’t get.

I don’t buy from Steam because I don’t like its ostracism and those exclusivities DRM-editors style (EA, UBI, ect).
I bought at GOG because they used to sell complete games, so I hope all will be included sometime. I greatly prefer a digital map, moreover with the coming expansion which will include some fashion helper so it removes value to those loyal hats.

I doubt you need to explain your video game buying idealogies to medea since I’m pretty sure she too owns a copy from GoG…

As for them selling “complete” games… I think in this instance this would rest in Crates hands to provide a Loyalist option on GoG, which they do.

What medea was referring to was the fact that the Loyalist option HERE
Is very different from the “light” Loyalist options available on Steam and GoG, which are both the same and offer the same things. That’s all she was saying in her reply.

Crate’s website is currently the only place to get the map so funny enough, Crate is the one being exclusive, as opposed to Steam.

Hoping it will also be added in my Steam in the future :slight_smile:

Yeah, I switched my Steam copy for the GOG one when the option came up as I’m not that keen on Steam either.

The digital map was an exclusive for Kickstarter backers originally so it makes sense that Crate would want to keep that as an exclusive for their Loyalist Edition on sale here. Hence the differences between their’s and the Steam/GOG Loyalist options.

And while there will be the Illusionist to allow you to change appearance, they won’t be offering any of the hats/wigs that come in any of the Loyalist packages. So the Southern General and the Admiral’s Hat will still be exclusive items.

I’m curious if it would be possible to get an updated version of the hi-res map including AoM/FG locations?

Interested too. :slight_smile:

With all the demands to give Crate more money for another DLC, it might be a bit early to ask for a new map :wink:

Why is it a bit early? We already know that, unless Crate is keeping the lid shut tight, that there is no further major content expansion coming. A new Loyalist DLC, yup, but beyond that I think we can say at this point in time that GD is fast approaching EOL.

Just because some people are vocal in their cries for a 3rd expac does not imply they are going to bend and do it unless they deem that the cost of making it and spending yet another year to year-and-a-half doing it is going to be profitable enough and I get the feeling that when it comes to GD it would take a whole hell of a lot of profit to sway them to keep on with something they are probably in the mood to move on from at long last.

And since medierra is coming across as not being particularly greedy (and seemingly wholly focused upon the citybuilder), well, that speaks for itself.

An updated Hires map would not be “early”… rather I’d say it would be just in time, if not late even. I’d wager it wouldn’t even take them much time to cobble it together either. Sounds a bit like an overnight job, if even.

Well, the lid was shut tight on FG until they announced it. :smiley: Still, I’ve said several times why I think they should move on to other projects. An updated map would be nice if it’s not too much work, bu rather they concentrate on the game making side if it is.

Eh it sounds to me like it involves an artist taking already made game files of the map and doing a little editing and done. My “overnight” guess is probably a large overestimation of the time involved, could probably be whittled down to a couple hours or less. I mean I could be wrong there but not by much.

Obviously failed attempt at basic humour, I’ll stop trying to be funny :frowning:

We can hope as I feel any more content and it’s going to be far too bloated