Direni Motivation

According to the note from Burrwich village Direni is pledged to Salazar and the blood cult of Ch’thon. Why then does he end up in Cronley’s hideout with the Aetherials? Equal opportunity traitor or what?

perhaps he knows that Salazar dead, which means the cult has no more use for him, so since he takes refuge in DC, he may got quick rise in position in Cronley group for knowing DC situations

Maybe Salazar ran out of easily accessible blood and started eyeing some of the lower-tier members of the cult for sacrifice.

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he gives up salazar in a flash
not surprised he’d then seek power from what cronley can offer
so probably just an opportunist/the type that sides with whomever available that has a big stick in a given moment

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Thanks for that. Hadn’t considered that he has burned his bridge with Ch’thon by ‘betraying’ them. Although an argument could be made that he thinks he is sending Ch’thonics a sacrifice given Salazar’s relative strength.

Direni is a sycophant and opportunist. He tosses his lot in with whoever he thinks will come out on top.

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I wish we coulda let him live in Cronleys hideout; but I guess if we did he’d only betray us again down the road. Again. Still, a ne’er do well type character in games can be fun.

It was necessary to give him the opportunity to offer the main character a deal in dialogue again at the 2nd meeting. and so on near each boss, until at the end he decides to return to the devil’s crossroad to cook the soup :slight_smile: Something like: this has never happened before and here it is again.