Disabling Toggles/Buffs/Aura Enemies please help

Where can i download a patch for this game so that these annoying Eldritch or whatever enemies stop disabling 8 Toggles and instant kill my characters please?

I love this game but these “Toggle Killer” Enemies just suck and ruin my fun every time they do that.

Why the developers added this annoying mechanic to this overall super cool game is a myth to me…

If anyone has a link to a patch which disables this disgusting unnecessary mechanic please give it to me here.

i couldn’t find it.

thank you!

New drinking game: take a shot each time this thread appears.


That’s because there isn’t one far as I’m aware.

You’re out of luck mate. No such thing exists. I actually don’t hate the arcane mob feature, it makes SR runs a little more exciting. (And rage-inducing when a run was perfect up to that point lol) Also, it’s not like every SR run has mobs that de-buff your toggles.

tqFan was so kind to make a hard-mod for weaksauce players that can’t identify arcane enemies and kill them/deal with their telegraphed disspell attacks :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes but if you, @Keagan_L_Macroom would like to use it, write in this thread and I’ll then update it.


Plus keep in mind since it’s a “hard mod” anytime the game updates or anytime you “verify” your installation, you will need to reapply tqFan’s patch.

I now know a method of hard-modding that is resistant to updates and wanted to use it actually.


I thought that the patch for cripples would have many downloads, but I see that almost nobody cries for that mechanic

Whoa now, “disgusting” is an awfully strong word to use. Arcane mobs are just trying to make a living too, ya know.

Also, your username seems familiar. Didn’t you make basically this exact same thread once before? :thinking:


They did.

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LMFAO, I thought I’m having a deja vu XD

I need a dumb blonde one the lets me know Ive been debuffed. I tend not to notice & run around naked, wondering why im suddenly dying.

GrimInternals has a built-in Nullification alert! :slight_smile: It flashes across your screen and plays a loud sound. You can’t miss it.

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lol nice one tq Ill have to look in settings. I dont recall how to turn that on. You should of shown how to turn it on lol. All i had time to see was “You Died!”.

I think it should be on automatically though I don’t remember right now. But in case it isn’t for you, you can set the NullificationNotify setting in the .ini to true.