Discussion about strongest non Nemesis enemies in Crucible

Hey guys, with hot fix will appear soon, I want to summon you to discuss your personal non Nemesis, arch nemesis in Crucible.

Do you think some of them are overtuned or need change. And what’s you personal antagonists. I will start with my top 3, excluding Korvaak- a Celestial being.

  1. Anasteria. Her RR skill is really strong, probably the strongest RR debuff in the game! Further the wave already have two other guys with RR skills and possible Korvaak, serious damage dealer. And even Dravis is much problematic, than Krieg. Anasteria debuff isn’t pure aether, but reduce all resistances. So if you leave her for last, you can start 170 nasty debuffed and being killed quickly. If you focused on her, you can have problems, too.

  2. Sister Crimson. Or whatever is that crazy priest dropping fissures with crazy damage. Partial problem is, that often can’t see her quickly enough in the cloud of effects or mistaken her for the other new enemy or Maiden. In my early FG Crucible runs, nothing created me more problems than Crimson/Grava combo in 165. And also that disengage abilty.

  3. Father Kymon. Jumping ability with crazy DA shred is the most problematic mechanic about him. Especially dangerous in wave 154. For cold builds for example, Kuba and Kymon are last thing you ser in Gladiator. Hard to focus on him and avoid Kuba blood pools or Kaisan crystals.


Same ones, including DUN DUN DUN

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Agree with Sister Crimson. In crici she’s not that an issue bit in SR I’ve got about 3,3k of Burn on me by her attacks. Think that’s not very healthy, especially when there are two of them.

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I haven’t receive two of them, but I believe you they are trouble.

Yep. I caught them on 75 or 76 with Ultos Warder and began to die.