Discussion of - RR skills

And war cry.

I actually really liked WoP in my pierce build, but i converted all ele into pierce and i had a lot of +inquisitor for nice AoE. So the skill was viable for killing trash packs, and when you bind Sands to it you even become a semi-caster.

From all characters i played so far… honestly WoP was the most comfortable active RR… Probably just needs range shifted down to lower ranks.

Definitely not. It would kill Bleeding Witchblade. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I hate Siphon Souls. Have to use mutator for lingering RR and lose my Vitality Damage.

Another good RR is Deathstalker + whatever RR devotion you want (I like manticore for flat 28 RR in a decent radius and good duration). This, however, takes up a relic slot and doesn’t work with most classes and builds.

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What’s with the WoP hate? It’s pretty much the same as CoF but with no radius, duration, da shred, lower rr values… oh, I get it now…

First order of business would be to increase radius on lower ranks of the second node, lower it on ultimate ranks. For WoP builds it makes no difference as they max it anyway. And for piece/chaos inquisitors increased radius for 1p would be very useful.

Negatory. Stalker is ok - good even now that’s invincible- but builds that would trade 10rr for +1 to all skills and often better stats on normal relics are few. Anyway, binding anything to it is no good. Auras don’t proc. All that procs is his single target autoattack.

I’m not sure what exactly you mean by linger but it does kinda linger. It ticks for zero dmg for the duration. Procs stuff every second on all enemies hit with the initial cast (with base proc chance).

My problem is siphon is that it sucks without the transmuter. 3s duration is nonsense. Duration should be fixed for both aether and vit. Aether transmuter could get better radius or some flat cdr.

Right. What I mean is the RR will not spread and you can’t do it again immediately to the new enemies because the CD is too long.

Wait rly? This such a pain to figure out and everybody says sth different. Do you have a confirmation that e.g. aether/chaos RR mod from conduit only works with the aura?

Try revenant. It’s superior to manticore in every way imaginable

Except the RR value itself:p

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@RektbyProtoss I’m extremely positive of this. You need a debuff to apply RR and guardians aren’t a debuff

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Or better damage/adcth since it doesn’t benefit from DoT

I wouldn’t say every way, Revenant needs an active hitting skill after all and not all builds can afford that. If you have enough adcth and you need RR bound to smth like guardians, Manticore is good, especially when it fits the route. But overall this constellation needs a buff, both in bonus values and proc chance.

Doesn’t manticore need an active hitting skill too?

No. Can be bound to guardians and blade spirit, skeletons are a summon so they can’t.

Right. Fair point. Makes sense in your pacifist build ya fat pansy. :stuck_out_tongue:

But big boys use revenant. <3

I think primary reason that killed Manticore is proc chance. 15% chance to apply a vital debuff is abysmal.

Nodes leading up to it is pretty bad too

In vacuum Manticore isn’t bad. It gives solid %acid, some core stats, even some flat. But no wpn dmg build will ever give up on 6% adcth, 6% speed and undead racial for that plus 3 more rr. And no wpn dmg casters don’t exist on acid (do they?).

I was discussing how to buff Manticore with one of the preats, and no matter what they put in there - better chance, more rr, better res - I’m still taking Revenant on all my acid builds. The ridiculous defensive deficiency of acid gear (VB, Dunefiend, Dreeg, just about anything except The Three). makes giving up on that adcth very hard.

First of all Acid Spray should be 360 degrees. Single directional cone sucks. Secondly, the chance should be 25% in the least. Thirdly, 30rr at least. Fourthly, some retal stats. Make it usable at least for acid retal.

I just hope they don’t ruin Revenant. Much of dw meta struggles even with it.


I love all of these.
Also don’t forget the nodes man. Nodesss…

The build I’m working on has no room for revenant. I need rumor and manticore is right next to it. One of them needs to be tied to the relic.