Dismantling 519 Epics!

Hello everyone!

As you may know, I’ve posted a few threads about farming for legendaries. In the process (along with playing for a few hundred hours on numerous characters), I’ve amassed quite a few epics… with most of them being duplicates. Since I had so far kept every single copy of every single epic / legendary (and I don’t use mods to do so…), I finally decided that having over 20 mules is a little ridiculous. And so, I decided that I’d keep the best 4 of any item and dismantle the rest, and record the results. And so I have.

Summary of results:

(Note: that’s 139 different items - the count is how many I’ve actually dismantled in total).

There are plenty of conclusions to be drawn from the data, but probably the most important one is that it’s roughly one in five rate of getting rare mats from dismantling. Not nearly as good as using the dynamite for troves, but you also get scrap, along with loads of components (and usually, even the common ones will be e.g. amber or flintcore bolts, as opposed to searing ember, etc.)

I haven’t found any trends with level and rare material drop rates - 5 Touch of Malice maces yielded 4 rare mats (level 30 item) whereas 10 Empowered Dreadnought’s Footpads only yielded 3 (level 75 item). Of course, seeing as the sample size for each level band is relatively small, it’s impossible to draw conclusions for a given level (from this data), however, I certainly think that all epics were born equal in regards to their dismantling yields.

Here’s the full data with the list of every single epic dismantled along with their results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D8tQTMcwOg96NcOou4xyPQoMr0-5PqaLLlBlJud9ay8/edit?usp=sharing

(Note: if the google docs don’t work properly, I’m sorry, it’s my first time using them).

Attachment: Destruction Stats.jpg

hmmm…can’t get your image to display and goggle docs says access denied. I did request access though…

Damn, I’m hopeless! I’ll sort something out shortly.

EDIT: Done… hopefully! Try looking at it now.

i have a question about your data collection method as id love to run some tests myself.

was it all manual? or did you find a way to log the in-game actions somehow and parse them after the fact?

The image is now displaying! Nice work!

That is a lot of dismantling… Did you keep track of how much Iron that cost? Did you have that much dynamite on hand or did you have to craft some of that too?

Without an “easy” trove like the shrine, seems like dismantling is an ok use of dynamite. Still 519 epics turns into <14 legendary items… If you use the 0.21 rare mats per epic, you can get 1 “extra” legendary from dismantling in a little over 1 hour of TF farming (1 hour = 7.8666 rare mats). Can’t imagine another place has a better epic rate than TF…

Also as the patch notes stated: “Increased the drop rate of Unique items on Ultimate difficult from non-nemesis sources” should mean a place like TF is even better than what your previous data showed… and you can’t probably get that extra leg in less than an hour…

I can already see the patch note for version Reduced the hero spawn rate in Twin Falls. :slight_smile:

The risk/reward for nemesis farming doesn’t seem to be quite as good any more…

If only if only… I literally got a spreadsheet open, and would dismantle all of a particular epic, then update the spreadsheet by hand. For all of them. Hence why I’m so proud of the data! :slight_smile:

Each item would cost around 300-900, and all items at a given level would cost the same (so all 75s cost I believe 900 but I can’t remember exactly). I didn’t record iron because I didn’t think it’d be a problem at first, as my character had 1100k. The dismantling part wasn’t all that expensive - say the average cost was 500, that’s only around 250k for that many epics (btw if you dismantle an epic with a component already on it costs more, around 2k, and will return scrap and the component it had. These weren’t included in the data as they cannot yield rare mats).

As for the dynamite… as you probably know, I’ve done a fair few Fabius runs, and I’ve done 45 Cronley’s runs in preparation for another thread about farming (but I want some more data and I’m leveling a new character atm so it’ll have to wait). Those combined gave me around 250 dynamite. For the rest, I just ported to Warden’s Lab, ran backwards and farmed Aether crystals and shards and made the dynamite myself. I made around 250 sticks (plus or minus), so that’s around 415k. In total, I did seem to spend 600k - 700k so that seems about right to me.

That’s very true, and as you have observed, makes my old TF data somewhat redundant - the results should theoretically be higher now. However from my Cronley’s runs so far, I have noticed a similar (if not slightly lower) drop rate for Epics, a slightly higher (only marginally though) drop rate for legendaries, along with obtaining loads of dynamite. This run also has the upside of encountering Fabius every now and again (if that is a good thing), as well as dropping lots of Cronley’s Signets (18 in 45 kills).

However, I of course need to run TF again to see how TF compares with Cronley’s. If changes this all again… :’(

I believe that Nemesis farming is only really efficient if it’s part of an already decent run. Even the old Fabius barely competed with TF, and the other Nemesis enemies wouldn’t be found so quickly, yet would yield about the same drops. Definitely not worth it unless it’s a chance encounter.

I am considering a run such as Arkovian Undercity next as it has a Trove, as well as a few heroes and Kilrian, who has a desired drop. People want me to do Royal Hive, I guess for the guaranteed heroes/bosses and good rate of Ancient Hearts but I really dislike that run, so many blocked passages and running back and forth (like going in all the sub caves, etc.)

AU is a good run, usually wrap the hive with it. There is a pretty decent chance for moose to spawn too. Also a good way to pick up some ectoplasm. You don’t usually need to go that far out of the way to check for the trove either. I wasn’t getting that many rare crafting drops from there though, besides the trove.

I’ve been doing BoC up to the gate recently farming chipped claws. Would pop in, run to trove, and then to boss. Boss would drop blood a lot, it seemed, plus would get blood some from heroes too. Was quicker than AU. I would stop to kill anything that drops claws and heroes of corse and skip the rest. There is a chance to find benn there, but haven’t hit nemesis with this character yet…will soon with a few more of those runs…

With how lucrative the troves are (actually did get a legendary from one when going through elite with this character) might be more profitable to skip the boss and just target trove, but the boss can yield blood too so maybe not…still a fairly short run to the trove despite the random spawn when you enter and location of throve. Time definitely seems to be a big factor in your data. Troves give a much higher chance for rare crafting mats, so the shorter the run to the trove might be the best farming route…wonder what the shortest run to a trove would be…boc is probably near the top for short runs…as long as they don’t move it to behind the gate like SoT… AU has a lot of nice sources for drops with all those bosses, but is a longer run…which will yeild less troves…

Oh, if you do that AU run, there is a sarcophagus on the first floor by the first boss that i got several epics from, probably less than 10% of the time, but still some…make sure you hit that up too!

I’ve been running TF plus AU lately and now have gotten 3 legendries from troves. Although one was a trove in BoC when I was farming my chipped claws… Your data from the shrine resulted in 0 legs from troves, so it appears as if that has changed now.

I’ve also gotten a number of legs form bosses now. I’ve gotten some form heroes too, which TF has more of, but my memory as I haven’t been tracking it, says the Purple bosses drop the legs at a higher rate. I think AU could definitely give TF a run for its money if you can get legs from troves plus rare mats 85% of the time… Course as they are in the same area it is really easy to just do both…

BoC might be a little faster for just the trove (probably the shorted route for any trove now?). There is only 4 locations and all on only one level before the keyed gate. I would always go to the gate which adds more time, but still faster than going all the way through AU. The boss in front of the gate drops bloods a lot too. The 4 heroes and moose chance of AU might make up for it longer run time though. I seem to get less rare crafting mat drops form those bosses though.

I haven’t done much of the royal hive. Takes me too long to find it as it is further from the rift gate and in a random location. The blocked passages do get annoying as well…

519 epics dismantled and not even one key? Oh geez… I think the chance of getting one should be boosted up a bit.
I’ve got the key from dismantling a few days ago, too bad I don’t remember from what item I got it… I never had gotten a key before, it was quite a surprise as I completly forgot it’s even possible to get one :eek:

Many thanks for this analysis !

What is TF please ?

TF = Twin Falls, the hive in the West is what they suggest for farming cause there spawn a lot of bosses

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This thread is one that I reference a lot - although it was made in, so not only have the drop rates changed, but the Shrine of the Forgotten God Trove was removed: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38582

And as the person above said, TF = Twin Falls (in reference to the run from the portal to the hive).

I didn’t keep exact numbers, but I dismantled thousands of junk epics and legs I collected with more than 20 different chars, and I came to the same conclusion: chance of getting purple mats was about 20%.

But, since patch (which I started to play just a few days ago, after a pause of more than a month), I’ve got a nasty feeling that the chance is now much lower. It’s possible that I’m just being unlucky. Did anyone else noticed the same thing?

P.S. I’ve got a GOG version, patch I’m thinking maybe it includes an undocumented nerf from patch