after playing for a while I realized my action bar is overfilled
9 Buttons + 2 for the LMB & RMB are not enough
Running a set up like this:
1 Ring of Steel
2 Warcry
3 Pneumatic Burst
4 Blade Spirit
5 Blade Ward
W Gaze of Beronath
Q Reapers Mark
M5 Blitz (Mouse Thumb Button)
9 Health Pot
0 Energy Pot
LMB Shard
RMB Shadow Strike
The only reason I still have energy and health pot in the bar because I can not see their respective cooldowns in any other ways
I even do not use their key bindings (8 and 9) as they have their own action bar unrelated bindings (e and r for default)
So If you could provide a simple cooldown timer (maybe in form of a globe or potion on top of the respective bar in the UI) I could free up to more solts for useful skills like short boost potions (these 30sec ones)
Having a second bar through pressing Z is nice for long time buffs like auras as you usually turn them on only once per game/life
Maybe others have the same issue or even better a solution working with