Does a fully stacked Righteous Fervor or Savagery enhance the damage of ABB or Shadow Strike?
My reasoning is, that many CD Abilities say: % x-Hand Damage. Since Savagery increases my main hand damage, I would think that this damage is then also applied to any skill that has %-mainhand damage.
yes and no
Sav/RF probably isn’t increasing your main hand dmg the way you think, MH on the skill just means it uses MH, not that it’s generally enhancing your MH
both sav and RF does have a global buff component tho, the %lightning/phys/fire dmg on 3rd node, which as global buff % dmg will boost anything using said dmg, but it’s still just additive/regular %dmg gains
The charge scaling and weapon scaling is DAR only/only applying to RF/Sav strikes
Ok. So the stacks itself only enhance the default attack and not the core MH-Attack that is used for ABB for example.
Now I would guess, since a WPS enhances the default attack, that a fully charged Savagery proccing a Belgothians Shears will be cumulative (Fully stack Savagey multiplied by all bonuses of Belgothians). Am I right?
wps acts as a multiplier on your AA, so %WD x %wD, with whatever charge scaling %
*the wd doesnt’ multiply native flats nor does charge scaling act on wps flats
In Fangs of Asterkarn, you will have a default attack replacer specifically designed to boost cooldown abilities! See Berserker here: Grim Dawn Build Calculator