Do duplicate blueprints still drop?

I’m sorry if this has already been answered. I tried searching but couldn’t find a thread dealing with this. I remember that in the past if a blueprint you had already learned dropped, you couldn’t see it, but you could pick it up by mashing the pick-up button. For a while now, whenever I collect my crucible rewards (Gladiator), I never seem to get any duplicate blueprints. No matter how much I press the pick-up button, I get nothing. Has this been disabled or changed?

Oh, and another thing. I seem to remember that trashmobs occasionally dropped legendaries. I haven’t seen this happen for a very long time now. Is this consistent with your experience?


No they don’t drop but you will receive duplicates as quest rewards all the time

Thanks for your quick reply! I thought as much. I received a few lvl. 60 blueprints, but none of the really good stuff that I could trade.

they do, but now they are invisible to you. fixed :smiley: !!

They were always invisible, but I was able to pick them up by using the keyboard shortcut. So, what you’re saying is that if I played in multi, my partner would be able to see them provided that he hasn’t already learned that blueprint?

there goes my hope to find Stormreaver Myth blueprint it never drops ._.

No one else can pick them up unless you pick em up first and drop them. Keyboard pickup not working? It was last time I checked

It sucks because it means that if you want to trade for that stupid blueprint you need but can never find, no one else has it because no duplicates drop for them to trade away!

It used to work for me but at some point it stopped. That’s the reason I started this thread in the first place, to see if it still works for other people, in which case I’m doing something wrong, or whether this feature was discontinued altogether, because I haven’t been able to pick up a single already-learned blueprint for months now, either from Cruci or from other sources such as treasure troves or nemesis troves.

Could I ask you when was the last time it worked for you? Or better still, could you please try doing a Crucible run and see if you’re able to pick up some invisible blueprints using the pick-up key?

He means for the invisible blueprints , you could pick invisible ones up with the pick up key .

This has since been fixed .

It stopped a few patches back , I asked in a thread and Zantai responded to it saying it had been fixed .

I can find a post of mine which says something about the fix in the last patch and that was dated the 28/3/17 so the fix was like 9-10 months ago at least .

[QUOTE=Nodders;591058]He means for the invisible blueprints , you could pick invisible ones up with the pick up key .

This has since been fixed .

It stopped a few patches back , I asked in a thread and Zantai responded to it saying it had been fixed .

Zantai’s response when asked about it

“You were never meant to pick them up in the first place. It was fixed.”

straight to the point .

I can find a post of mine which says something about the fix in the last patch and that was dated the 28/3/17 so the fix was like 9-10 months ago at least .

He means for the invisible blueprints , you could pick invisible ones up with the pick up key .

This has since been fixed .

It stopped a few patches back , I asked in a thread and Zantai responded to it saying it had been fixed .

Zantai’s response when asked about it

“You were never meant to pick them up in the first place. It was fixed.”

straight to the point .

I can find a post of mine which says something about the fix in the last patch and that was dated the 28/3/17 so the fix was like 9-10 months ago at least .

Thanks man. This is the reply I’ve been looking for. I appreciate the info!

No worries .

I was a bit peeved at the time because I had not known about it for a while and started picking up the duplicates for trade , not long after it was fixed .

Always thought it should have been left .

i solved the no-blueprints-for-trade by 2 boxing using my friend’s account on the laptop which has almost none learned. roguelikes drop them for him and we collect em :smiley: